Sneaking Out [Philodosia]

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"Theo," Philip whispered. "Are you ready?"

Theodosia grinned and carefully climbed out of the window.

"Of course." She said. She carefully took his offered hand and jump down from the roof. Philip caught her with a small laugh and a peck on the lips.

Theodosia giggled and allowed Philip to carry her to the car.

"You look lovely," Philip said as they climbed into the car and started to drive to the restaurant.

"Aren't you a flatterer." Theodosia teased, a playful smile on her lips.

"I only speak the truth," Philip said. Theodosia giggled softly, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant. It was pretty out of the way, so no one their parents knew should see them.

Theodosia's dad and Philip's dad basically hate each other. They were rivals at work and because of this, whenever they were in the same room, it was always tense. That was why Theodosia and Philip kept their relationship a secret. At least until they were certain they were serious.

Once they exited the car, Philip opened the door for her.

"After you my lady." He said, a small, bright grin on his face.

Theodosia smiled adoringly and walked in. "Thank you, kind sir."

She waited patiently beside her boyfriend as he spoke to the waiter.

"You're right here Mr. Hamilton. If you'll follow me."

Philip nodded, before grabbing Theodosia's hand and following the waitress. She sat them down near the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes.

"This place is pretty nice." Theodosia comment, smiling as she looked around.

Philip shrugged, picking up the menu. He smiled a bit at Theodosia's slightly awed expression. It was pretty cute.

The waitress came back a few minutes later and asked for drinks. She left afterward and Theodosia scooted closer to Philip and cuddled against him.

"Hey Pip," she asked softly. "Do you think we should tell our dads? About, you know, us?"

Philip frowned. "Maybe. But if we do, we'll need to tell them delicately."

"True." Theodosia hummed softly, before kissing Philip softly. "But it will be nice to stop hiding from them."

Philip nodded.

The waitress gave them their drinks then took their orders.

Halfway through their meal, Philip spotted a couple also hidden away in a booth. He blinked when he saw a hand fly out in a familiar gesture.

"Oh my god." He whispered. "Dad?"

Theodosia looked up from her meal, obviously confused.

"Philip?" She asked. "What do you mean dad?"

He ignored her and stood up, walking to the table. His eyes widened in shock and his mouth dropped open when he saw his father talking to Theodosia's father.


Alexander Hamilton stopped mid-sentence and looked up with a shocked expression.

Theodosia's dad looked up, only seeming slightly surprised.

"Hello Philip," Mr. Burr said. "What brings you here?"

"I uh," Philip stammered. "I'm here with Theo."

Mr. Burr's eyebrows rose. "On a date?" He asked.

Philip blushed all the way into his hair. "Um, y-yeah."

Mr. Burr nodded, before taking a bite of his food.

"Dad? What're you doing here?" Theodosia asked, appearing behind Philip.

Mr. Burr smiled, his eyes twinkling slightly. "I'm here for dinner with Alexander."

Philip's face paled and he felt slightly sick. "Don't tell me you two are..."

Philip's father smirked.

"We're experimenting." Mr. Burr interrupted before Philip's father could get a word in.

"Right." Philip's father said. He glanced at the young couple and smirked. "So, you snuck out and came here on a date huh? I'm pretty sure that's something to be punished for."

Philip spluttered and glared at his father. "Dad!"

"Alexander is correct." Mr. Burr said sternly. "While I understand your reasoning, sneaking out of the house is not acceptable." He sighed, before smiling a little. "However, in this situation, I am willing to let it slide."

Theodosia smiled, before pecking Philip's cheek. "Thank you, father." She said softly.

Mr. Burr gave her a nodded, before pulling out his wallet and placing them on the table.

"Come on Alexander, let's go."

Philip's father blinked, before looking between the young couple and his date.

"But my food!"

Mr. Burr rolled his eyes before grabbing Philip's father's arm and dragging him away with a wink and a smile at the other couple.

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