Sweaters [Jeffmads]

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"Thomas, slow down." James said, sighing when his boyfriend just continued to tug him along, not listening in the slightest.

"Hurry up!" Thomas whined when James slowed down. "If you don't, the best sweaters will be gone!"

"They won't Thomas." James said in amusement.

Thomas pouted and only tugged harder.

"Alright, alright." James said, walking the same pace as his lover.

He chuckled at Thomas' enthusiastic cheer and allowed him to drag him into the mall and towards the dollar store, that was having a sale on ugly Christmas sweaters. While they weren't really James' thing, he knew Thomas really enjoyed them, so he wouldn't complain.

Thomas led him through the aisles of clothing, squealing gleefully when they reached the Christmas sweaters. James watched with a warm smile as Thomas ran to them, looking through them and picking his favorites.

"I'm gonna try them on!" Thomas said with a large smile.

"Alright Thommy." James said. Thomas grinned, before rushing off.

He returned a few minutes later and James' mouth went dry.

Thomas was wearing an over seized Christmas, making him look childish but so gorgeous.

"What'd you think?" Thomas asked, giving a small twirl.

James walked over to him and tugged him close, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You look gorgeous babe." He whispered before kissing him.

"Mhm..." Thomas hummed. "If I'd known you were gonna react this way, I would've done this way sooner."

"Mmm..." James hummed, kissing him again. "Let's go buy that sweater, then let's go home."

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