Drunk [Lams]

826 50 15

Requested by: bliss123456


John was just relaxing on his couch, munching on popcorn while watching Stranger Things, when his phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey John."

John blinked. "Herc? What's up?"

"Well, your boyfriend is kinda of flat out drunk and I've got to get Laf home. Can you come pick him up?"

"Dammit." John muttered. "I told him not to get wasted."

He sighed. "Yeah, alright. I'm on my way."

"Thanks John." Hercules said before hanging up.

Grumbling, John turned off the TV, grabbed his jacket and phone, and drove to the bar he knew the guys were at.


"Hey John." Hercules said with a small smile, practically holding Lafayette up. "Thanks for coming. He's over there."

Hercules pointed to his right, where Alexander was talking to a pole. John stared blankly. Hercules winced.

"Yeah..." He said. "He was challenged to a drinking game and you know how competitive he can get."

"You bet I do." John muttered. "Thanks for watching him Herc. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. Good luck." With that, Hercules walked away, talking softly to the obviously wasted Lafayette.

John walked over to Alexander and tapped him softly on the shoulder. Instantly, his drunk boyfriend whirled around and stared at him blankly for a minute.

"Who're you?" He finally slurred.

John arched a brow. Well that was a bit concerning.


"You're pretty." Alexander interrupted. John blinked, a small flush appearing on his face.

"Um thank you?"

"Hey you single?" Alexander asked, now leaning against him.

John stared at his drunk boyfriend. "No." He said. "No I'm not."

Alexander stared at him, clearly disappointed. "Well than." He said. "Let's figure out a way to get you out of that relationship."

John chuckled softly. He'd forgotten how amusing Alexander was when he was drunk. After all, normally they were shit-faced together.

"So," Alexander purred, pressing against him. "What's your partner's name handsome?"

"His name is Alexander Hamilton."

Alexander blinked. John watched grinning as realization slowly took over his face.

"Oh my god we're together?" He cried. "Oh my god how did I get such a catch? Can I kiss you? Of course I can you're my boyfriend. I'm gonna kiss you."

He pressed his lips to John's before he could protest.

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