Furniture [Jeffburr]

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Now, Aaron loved his boyfriend. He loved him a lot. But Thomas had a really bad habit. One Aaron was starting to hate very much.

Thomas loved shopping. But more than anything he loved buying new furniure. It wouldn't be so bad if Thomas actually had good taste.

Aaron swore if he came home to one more horrendous, bright purple couch, he was going to scream.

"Thommy," Aaron called walking into their shared apartment. "I'm home."

"Hello Aaron." Thomas said walking up to him and kissing him.

Aaron hummed against his lips, smiling softly.

"How're you?" Aaron asked, leaning into Thomas' gentle embrace.

"Good." Thomas said cheerfully, releasing Aaron and instead holding his hand.

Aaron toed off his shoes and followed Thomas who led him into their living room. When he saw what was there, he froze.

"Thomas." He said slowly, staring at the huge hideous yellow chair sitting in their living room. "What is that?"

Thomas stopped, following Aaron's gaze to the chair.

"Oh!" He said. "Just a little something I saw at the mall today."

"Thomas," Aaron said, breathing slowly. "What have I told you about buying hideous furniure and replacing our old ones? Do you even know how long it took me to find a new couch after you replaced our old one with that horrid purple thing."

Thomas looked offended. "That purple couch was not horrid!"

"It was, Thomas."

"Was not!"

"Look, I love you but this needs to stop." Aaron said tiredly.

Thomas pouted, before leading Aaron over to their plain brown couch so that they could cuddle.

A week later Aaron came home to new huge purple couch.

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