Badass [Hamliza]

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Eliza let out a pleased sigh. "It's so nice to be outside again." She shot Alexander a teasing glare. "You really need to stop keeping yourself cooped up in your office."

Alexander gave her a not-so-apologetic grin. "I've got deadlines Betsey. I can't miss 'em."

Eliza huffed. "You could still take a break every now and then."

"Well if it isn't the poor little gremlin from the Caribbean."

Alexander groaned and glared at his coworker. "Fuck off Jefferson." He grumbled.

Jefferson was standing beside Madison and Burr, both looked completely done with life.

"Excuse me, what did you just say about my husband?" Eliza said, stepping forward with a glare.

Jefferson held his hands up in mock surrender. "So sorry Mrs. Hamilton-"

"You listen to me Mister Jefferson. Just because you happen to be from a wealthy family does not mean you get to degrade my husband like that! He worked from nothing and he still got to the same level as you. Now I wonder what that says about you?"

Alexander gaped at Eliza. "How is my wife more badass than me?" He blurted out.

Burr smirked. "Maybe you're just a wimp."

"Shut up."

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