Kids [Hamburr]

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"You really shouldn't allow a young girl like to wear such masculine clothing."

Aaron frowned at the older woman. "And why is that miss?" He asked, trying not to scowl. Who was this woman to tell him how he should parent his child?

"It's not ladylike!" She sniffed.

Aaron sighed, wondering how to defuse the situation.

"They're not your kid, back the fuck off."

Aaron blinked and looked up to see a man around his age scowling at the woman.

"Excuse me?" The woman said.

"You heard me," the man said. "His kid isn't yours, you don't get a say in what he dresses them in. Now why don't you kindly fuck. Off."

The woman looked offended by his choice of language, but did leave, her nose high in the sky.

"I, thank you." Aaron said, slightly surprised that someone had taken to his defense.

The man gave him a lopsided grin. "It's fine. I mean, you just looked so uncomfortable I figured you could use some help."

"I appreciate it. My name's Aaron."

"Alexander." Alexander said, firmly shaking his hand. "My son Philip is over in the playground, playing with your...?"

"Theodosia is non-binary." Aaron supplied. "They normally go by either she/her or they/them. Today is they/them."

Alexander nodded, before taking a seat beside him. "I have a feeling Philip'd going to want a play date."

Aaron laughed, smiling warmly as he watched Theodosia play with the curly haired boy he assumed was Alexander's son. "Theodosia will probably want that as well."

Alexander smirked."How 'bout we exchange numbers? You know, for the convenience of the children."

Aaron stared at him for a moment, before chuckling quietly and pulling out his phone.

"Sounds good."


Later that day, Aaron got a text from Alexander.

Alexander HamilSIN:
How 'bout lunch?

Aaron Burr:
Are you asking me on a date?

Alexander HamilSIN:
Yup, so?

Aaron Burr:
Sounds good. :)

Alexander HamilSIN:
Sweet! See you tomorrow then. ;)

(Aaron soon discovered that Alexander really loved winky faces.)

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