Friends [Jamilton]

949 44 11

Alexander studied Thomas Jefferson with a dreamy look in his eyes. He couldn't help it, the man was gorgeous. Sure, his opinions were total shit, but he was smart and a good debater. Besides Aaron Burr, he was the only one who could keep up with him.

"You're staring Alex." Alexander jerked, looking at his friend Hercules who was looking at him, unimpressed.

"I-I was not!" He denied, heat rising to his cheeks. His best friend John Laurens snorted.

"You totally were Alexander."

He spluttered, face bright red, waving his arms around. "I wasn't!" He shrieked.

"Alexander mon ami, when are you going to ask Thomas out hm?" Lafayette asked, pointing his fork at him.

"I'm not asking that magenta asshole out!"

At that, all his friends snorted simultaneously. Alexander glared at them all. He really needed to find new friends.

"Ugh! You guys are the worse." He groaned.

"We're just trying help you with your crush." John said, plopping an apple slice into his mouth.

"I don't lik-"

"Stop trying to deny it Alexander." Hercules said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah man, I mean I'm not ashamed to say that Aaron's pretty damn cute. Like, have you seen his ass-"

"Okay John! I get it." Alexander interrupted. John snickered, eating more apple slices.

"Just go talk to him Alexander." Lafayette said. "Where is the harm in it?"

"Um let's see. Rejection, humiliation oh and, my pride is on the line?!" Alexander said loudly. "It's not happening Laf."

Hercules sighed heavily. "Yeah it is. We're sick of hearing your lovesick rambling."

"Uh huh!" John said, standing up and grabbing Alexander's bicep. "You're gonna go and ask him out right now!"

Alexander's eyes widened. "What! Wait no!"

Too late, the three of them dragged him over to the table Aaron, James and Thomas were sitting at.

"Hey Thomas!" Lafayette called cheerfully. Thomas looked up, confusion in his pretty brown eyes. James barely looked up from his lunch and Aaron glanced up from his book, only to sigh when he saw who was coming.

"Hey Lafayette. What's up?" Thomas asked. "Why'd you bring your uh, friends."

"Well," Lafayette said, grinning widely. "Alexander wishes to speak with you."

At this, all three occupants at the table looked at Alexander with raised eyebrows. Alexander froze, before trying to escape but John had a firm grip on his arm.

"You gonna spit it out gremlin?" Thomas asked. Alexander's face twisted with rage and he glared at the man, but stayed quiet.

John sighed. "What Alexander is trying to say is he thinks you're super hot."

Alexander stared at him with horrified eyes and quickly slapped his hands over his mouth. Hercules grinned and Alexander glared. He wouldn't dare.

He would.

"And he'd really like to have some of that ass."

Alexander's face burned. "Hercules what the fuck?!" He screeched.

"So," Lafayette said. "Would you go on a date with our dear Alexander?"

Everyone turned to Thomas, who looked completely shocked. His mouth moved up and down, but no words came out. Suddenly Aaron smirked.

"What Thomas is trying to say is yes." His smirked widened. "And he thinks the same thing about you Hamilton."

With that, he was shoved into Thomas' lap and all of their friends quickly left. Alexander sat there awkwardly and was about to move, when Thomas suddenly grabbed his hips, ensuring that he couldn't leave.

"Thomas...?" He asked nervously. He squeaked when Thomas pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Our friends are horrible aren't they." He mumbled, pressing his forehead to Alexander's.

Alexander giggled.

"Eh, they're okay."

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