Hatching is Hard [Lams]

437 21 3

Requested by: Bearthekitten1302333


"I don't get this at all." Alexander grumbled, squinting his eyes at his drawing.

"What don't you get Alex?" John asked, peeking at the drawing.

"Hatching!" Alexander exclaimed. "I don't see the point of it. It's way too hard."

John smiled and kissed the side of Alexander's head.

"It just takes practice and patience love." He said.

Alexander pouted and glared at the sketch like it offended him. "Way too hard." He repeated firmly.

John rolled his eyes. "Your sketch isn't that bad Alex."

Alexander snorted. "Right."

"Hey, it's better than stickpeople." John said.

Alexander sighed and tossed the pencil away, not really caring where it landed. "I'm gonna let you handle artwork and drawing and whatnot. I don't know what I'm doing."

John chuckled. "Practice makes perfect Alexander."

"Whatever." Alexander raised his hands in the air. "I think I've had enough of art."

"Alright Alex. If you insist." John said. "Anyways, here's mine."

He showed his detailed sketch of Alexander, carefully shaded in using hatching.

"Fuck you and your great art skills." Alexander grumbled.

John laughed and kissed him.

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