Lisp [Jamilton]

846 44 7

Requested by: PrideOfMtVernon


"I still don't know why you refuse to talk." Thomas said, glancing at his study partner, who had crossed his arms and was looking to the side.

Thomas sighed when Alexander refused to talk. It was a nice change, but it was starting to become irritating.

"You know I can't help you with this unless you communicate with me."

Alexander responded by sticking out his tongue. Thomas groaned and shook his head.

"I don't know how Washington expects me to tutor you." He grumbled. He opened his laptop and pulled up a word document and began to work, completely ignoring Alexander.

When he felt a tug at his sleeve, he promptly ignored it. The tugging became more insistent and Thomas yanked his arm away, scowling.

He continued with his typing, ignoring Alexander's obvious annoyance. Let him have a taste of his own medicine.

"Fine!" Alexander finally said loudly, throwing his hands up. "You win. Now pleathe help?"

Thomas froze. "Oh my god." He said slowly turning in his chair. "You have a lisp!" He cried gleefully.

"Thut up Thomath!" Alexander shrieked, his face turning red.

Thomas peered closer, giggling when he saw a teeth straightening appliances over Alexander's teeth.

"Oh my god," He said, nearly falling out of his seat with laughter. "This is too good!"

"Thut up!" Alexander cried, shoving him out of his chair.

Thomas tumbled to the ground, still laughing lightly. "Sorry sorry." He said. "I never expected the great Alexander Hamilton to have a lisp."

Alexander scowled at him, a flush still evident on his cheeks.

"Will you finally work with me now?" Thomas asked, climbing back into his chair.

"Yeah thure. Whatever."

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