Break Up [Marshburr]

420 22 9

Aaron sniffled and wiped at his eyes. He was sitting on a park bench, trying desperately not to cry his eyes out. He couldn't believe his boyfriend of two years had just suddenly broken up with him. And kicked him out of their shared apartment without warning!

A sudden sob escaped his lips without warning and he clamped his hands over his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed no one would ask him what was wrong. He really didn't want to talk about it.

His eyes widened and he flinched when a hand suddenly landed on his shoulder.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

Aaron looked up and blinked when he saw a large, kind looking man. Trying his best not to scowl and snap at the most likely kind man he answered,

"I'm fine."

The man frowned before taking a seat beside him.

"My name is John Marshall."

"Aaron." Aaron said stiffly.

"What's going on Aaron?" Marshall asked. "I'm a total stranger, so no harm in telling me whatever the fuck you want."

"My boyfriend kicked me out of our apartment." Aaron said softly.

Aaron could feel Marshall's pitying eyes on him and he forced himself not to flinch.

"Why's that?" Marshall asked.

Aaron shrugged. "I dunno. He just broke up with me and kicked me out."

"You have a place to stay?"

Aaron blinked owlishly at him.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"Do you have a place to stay?" He repeated.

Aaron laughed bitterly. "No. But I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to invite me to yours."

Marshall smiled a bit. "I'm not that big of an idiot." He said smoothly before reaching into his pocket. Aaron tensed and his eyes widened with shock.

He gaped as Marshall placed a large wad of cash into his palm.

"Just enough for a couple of nights at a hotel." Marshall said.

"I... I can't accept this." Aaron stammered, completely flustered and caught off guard.

"It's nothing, really." Marshall insisted. "I'm plenty well off and you need a place to stay." He grinned. "I don't want a pretty little thing like you to be stuck on the streets."

Aaron blushed and stared at his lap. When he looked back up, Marshall was gone.

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