Bad Night [Lams]

413 30 6

Requested by: potatoisbest5


John woke to a whimper. He blinked the drowsiness away from his eyes and yawned, frowning when he heard another whimper. He looked to his side and his gaze softened when he saw his husband clutching his pillow, brow furrowed with stress and fear.

"Hey, Alex." He murmured, gently shaking him. A tiny cry escaped his husband's lips and John shook him harder.

"Wake up babe, it's just a bad dream."

Suddenly, Alexander's eyes snapped open and he scrambled out of bed with a gasp.

John blinked. "Alexander, are you alright?"

He waited, watching as Alexander looked around wildly, eyes filled with panic. When he realized he was not in the hurricane anymore, he relaxed and crept back into bed.

John immediately wrapped him in his arms and hugged him close.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, burying his face in John's chest.

"It's okay Alex." He murmured, pressing kisses on his head. "Get some rest alright? Tomorrow, we'll schedule another appointment with your therapist."

Alexander tensed slightly before relaxing. "Okay." He whispered.

John kissed his head again. They fell asleep like that, Alexander safely wrapped up in John's arms.

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