Doctor's [Lams]

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Alexander woke that morning with a feeling of dread. He was confused at first, before remembering that he had a doctor's appointment today. Fear shot through him and he shuddered.

He didn't want to go to the doctor's. The doctors took his mother away.

Alexander curled up in a ball, not wanting to move at all. Yeah, he was not going to the doctor's. He was staying right here, in a warm, safe bed.

"Alexander? You gotta get up." His lover John Laurens said, walking into their shared bedroom. "You've got a doctor's appointment today."

Alexander only grunted in response.

He heard John walk over and let out a squeal when suddenly the toasty blankets were yanked off his warm body.

"John!" He shrieked.

"Up." John commanded, unforgiving. Pouting, Alexander reluctantly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"You get ready while I make breakfast, alright?" John said, dropping the sheets to the floor.

With that he walked away, leaving Alexander to reluctantly get ready for his doctor's appointment.


The two walked into the clinic, Alexander having John's hand in a death grip.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, looking over at his boyfriend, shocked to see how pale he was. "Alexander? Are you okay?"

Alexander whimpered, pressing closer to John. "I don't wanna go in there. They took Mama away." He whispered, fear shining through his eyes.

John's eyes softened and he squeezed his hand, leaning over and planting a kiss on Alexander's forehead.

"It's just a check up. I'll be with you the entire time." Alexander looked up, eyes wide.


John smiled.


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