Proposal [Pheacker]

426 30 6

Requested by: -TransPoet-

Warning: NSFW


"W-will you marry me?"

Philip's brain was so scrambled that he took a moment to understand what the question was.

"W-what?" He stammered out before gasping when George hit that spot inside him. "Oh god," he moaned, clutching his partner's back.

"Marry me." George whispered against his lips, thrusting his hips forward to accent his question.

"George!" Philip cried, biting his shoulder as he shook through his orgasm. He whined and whimpered when George kept thrusting, chasing his own pleasure, before cumming a moment later.

He rolled off him and wrapped him in his strong, sweaty arms. Philip felt him pant lightly against his hair and sighed with content.

"So?" George asked softly into his hair after a moment of peaceful silence and bliss.

"Huh?" Philip mumbled, fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Will you marry me?" George asked, tracing small circles on his hand.

Philip blinked drowsily before his eyes suddenly shot open and he scrambled into a sitting position.

"I-I, what?" He shrieked.

"Marry me," George repeated.

"You can't just ask me a question like that after fucking me!" Philip cried.

"During, actually." George muttered.

Philip stated at him, mouth wide open before slamming it shut. He crawled over to George and snuggled into him.

"Were you serious?" He asked, kissing his collarbone. George sighed with obvious content before wrapping his arms around Philip's back.

"Yeah," he murmured. "But it's okay if you don't wanna yet-"

Philip shook his head and cut him off with a kiss. "Nope, you don't get to back out now."

George stared at him with wide eyes. "Was that... a yes?"

Philip giggled at the hopefullness in his eyes and couldn't resist kissing him again.

"Yes, dummy. It was a yes." He said.

George grinned before suddenly knocking Philip back onto the bes and straddling him.

"How 'bout round two? In celebration." He said.

Philip grinned back before tugging him into a deep kiss.

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