Father [Washington Family]

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"Morning Papa!" Lafayette cried, basically flying down the stairs.

"Good morning Lafayette." Washington said as his adoptive son whizzed past him.

"Mama is cooking correct?" He asked, peeking out of the doorway he'd just run into. Washington nodded and a huge grin appeared on the boy's face.

"Yes!" He cried before racing to the kitchen. Washington watched with a chuckle. Both the boys loved Martha's cooking, though Lafayette was far more vocal about it than Alexander. Speaking of Alexander, Washington presumed that it was time to drag him out of bed. Once the boy was asleep, he was impossible to wake.


"Alexander," Washington said, shaking the boy. "It's time to get up."

Alexander only grunted and rolled away. Washington sighed. They went through this routine every day. Washington came up to wake Alexander, who would grunt and ignore him. Washington would then either threaten him or bribe him. It varied each day.

Today was bribe day though.

"Martha's making breakfast."

At those words, Alexander head immediately lifted from the pillow, a slightly crazed look in his eyes. "Awesome!" He said and then he was gone.

Washington sighed again and followed.

"Good morning George." Martha said, walking up to him and pecking him on the cheek. Washington smiled while Alexander fake gagged at Lafayette. The younger boy giggled before returning to shoving pancakes down his throat.

"Hello Martha." He said before directing his attention to the boys. "You two ready for school?"

Both of them nodded.

"Uh huh! And I bet Alexander cannot wait until he gets to see Burr again!" Lafayette said slyly. Alexander's face burned and he threw a hash brown at his younger brother.

"Laf! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" He whined, throwing more food.

"Alexander, you know the rules." Washington said sternly and he reluctantly put the sausage he was about to throw back on his plate.

After breakfast, the boys went upstairs to pack their bags to go to school.

"Lafayette, Alexander! Let's go!" Washington shouted up the stairs.

"Un second Papa!" Lafayette yelled.

"I'm coming George geez!" Alexander shouted back. Washington frowned and sighed. Even though it's been nearly three years since he and Martha had adopted Alexander he still refused to refer to them as his parents. Sure, they had both understood in the beginning, but now it was just ridiculous.

The two came down and ran to the car, Washington close behind.

"I'll see you boys at home alright?"

"Goodbye Papa!" Lafayette said, grinning widely before running off to a bigger man named Hercules who was Lafayette's best and closest friend.

"Yeah, yeah," Alexander said distractedly, obviously looking around for someone. His eyes lit up when they landed on the figure of Aaron Burr. "See yah later dad!"

And then he was gone.

Washington stared after the boy in shock. Dad. He just called him dad. A huge happy grin made its way onto Washington's face.

He was smiling for the rest of the week.

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