Longing [Jamilton]

456 36 6

Requested by: Hamilton_Lams


"Hey Thomas." Alexander said, flopping down in his boyfriend's lap.

Thomas grumbled a bit and shifted his phone to incorporate Alexander.

"Pay attention to me babe." Alexander whined, trying to snatch Thomas' phone away.

"I'm texting James." Thomas mumbled, skillfully keeping his phone out of Alexander's reach. He'd had plenty of practice.

Alexander pouted before wrapping his arms around Thomas' neck. "You'd chose your friend over your boyfriend?"

Thomas gave him and unimpressed look. "Take a wild guess."

Alexander pouted at him and it only grew when Thomas returned his attention to his phone. With a huff, Alexander snuck his head down and bit Thomas' neck. Thomas let out a screech and his phone fell from his hand. Before he could grab it, Alexander kicked it away and created another mark.

"Alexander." Thomas snapped, before groaning when his boyfriend bit his pulse point.

"Okay I did not need to see that."

Alexander looked up and grinned slyly. "Jealous John?" He said.

John rolled his eyes. "Right. In your dreams."

Alexander stuck his tongue out before returning to Thomas' neck.

John grabbed his book and left the room, a heavy feeling in his heart.


"John, you have got to stop doing this to yourself." Lafayette said, a concerned frown on his face.

John mumbled something incoherent into the pillow against his face.

Lafayette sighed. "You need to move on John." He said softly.

John gave him a teary glare. "I fucking love him Laf. I can't just... I can't just get over him. Not when I've... when I've had a taste of him."

Lafayette gave him a sympathetic look.

John ignored it and only cried into the pillow, desperately trying to ignore the aching and longing in his heart.

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