Rain [Hamburr]

706 34 2

Aaron woke to the soft pitter-patter of rain on his roof. Blearily, he raised his head and looked around, blinking.

"Hmm... What's goin' on babe...?" His lover slurred, waking from his movements.

"It's pouring rain," Aaron said softly.

Alexander blinked, slowly sitting up. He wrapped his arms around Aaron and put his head on his shoulder.

"Quite the downpour..." He mumbled, still half-asleep.

Aaron hummed, leaning into the embrace.

"What time is it?" Alexander asked. Aaron glanced over at the clock.

"It's six o'clock." He said.

"Too early..." Alexander said, laying down and tugging Aaron with him. He curled tightly around his boyfriend, placing gentle kisses on his face and neck. "More sleep..."

Aaron laughed quietly, before humming in agreement. He snuggled closer to his lover and allowed the gentle pitter-patter of rain to lull him back to sleep.

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