Bad Day [Jeffburrlaf]

714 29 3

Aaron closed the front door of the apartment with a groan of relief. It had been a long day, full of misgendering and stress. Honestly, he couldn't understand why some of his colleagues wouldn't call him by his preferred pronouns. He didn't even look female anymore, he just didn't get why they kept misgendering him!


Aaron looked up, smiling when he saw one of his boyfriends. "Hey, Laf." He said, sighing when the Frenchman pulled him into a hug. He pressed himself as much as he could against the comforting warmth, allowing his eyes to fall shut.

"Rough day at work?" Lafayette murmured, planting a kiss on his head.

Aaron nodded, squeezing his eyes to prevent any tears from slipping.

Lafayette, as though he could sense just how bad Aaron's day had been, squeezed a bit tighter.

"Come mon coeur," He said, hoisting him up. "Let's go to the bedroom, non?"

Aaron didn't protest as his boyfriend carried him to their bedroom, plopping him on the bed before joining him. It was a bit warm, but not so that it was uncomfortable.

"Thanks, Laf..." He whispered, snuggling as close as possible. Lafayette laughed quietly.

"It was no problem." He whispered back.


"I'm home-"


Thomas blinked when Lafayette shushed him. His eyes widened a bit and he cooed softly when he spotted their curled up, sleeping boyfriend.

"I just got him to rest," Lafayette said quietly.

"He had a rough day?" Thomas asked, voice soft as well. Lafayette nodded. Thomas placed his briefcase on the floor before walking over to the bed and climbing in.

"Thomas...?" Aaron slurred sleepily.

"Shh..." Thomas whispered, smiling softly at his lover's glazed eyes. "Go back to sleep sweet."

Aaron hummed, before snuggling as close as he could.

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