Fat [Burrcules]

949 35 15

Aaron stood in front of the mirror, squirming uncomfortably. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, moving the bit of fat on his stomach, imagining what it'd be like if he was just a little bit firmer. Just a little bit skinnier.

He bit his lip, poking at his stomach. He felt a bit guilty, Hercules always scolded him for doing this, telling him over and over that he was beautiful and perfect just the way he was.

But that was easy for him to say. Hercules was firm, all muscle no fat. Not like Aaron, who had some chub around him.

"Aaron, I'm home!"

Aaron tensed at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. He quickly grabbed his shirt, yanking it over his head.

"Hey Herc." He greeted, walking up to the other man and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Hercules chuckled. "Hey babe." He said before leaning down and capturing Aaron's lips in a kiss.

Aaron hummed, pleased.

"How was work?" Aaron asked, fiddling with Hercules' shirt. Hercules groaned and put his head on top of Aaron's.

"It was horrible." He grumbled. "A client came in and requested this terrible design and I really don't wanna make that horrendous thing."

Aaron laughed softly, practically melting into Hercules' embrace. "You can do it." He murmured.

Hercules chuckled. "How was your day?" He asked, peppering Aaron's neck with kisses.

Aaron sighed contently. "Fine..." He mumbled, smiling at the gentle attention.

"Yeah...?" Hercules hummed. "Say," He said, pulling away. "Why is your shirt inside out?"

Aaron froze, shifting guiltily. "I um."

"Aaron..." Even though he couldn't see his face, Aaron could tell Hercules was frowning with worry. He squeaked when he felt hands squeeze his sides.

"You're beautiful babe." Hercules said softly. "You're a normal weight. You aren't fat."

Aaron bit his lip, now trying to hold back tears. "I'm sorry..." He stammered.

"Aaron, sweetie," Hercules turned him around, cradling his face. "You can't help it. I know that and I don't blame you. I love you Aaron, I love you no matter how stupid your brain can be."

A small sob escaped Aaron's lips and he collapsed into his lover's arms.

"I l-love you too."

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