Turtle [Lams]

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"Happy birthday John!!" Alexander screamed, taking a running start before jumping on the bed, bouncing around until John woke with a groan.

"Ugh... Alexander get off... Lemme sleep..." He mumbled, hiding his face in the many pillows that surrounded him.

"Absolutely not." Alexander said, falling to his knees and crawling over to the other man. "I made you breakfast and everything. Besides, I let you sleep in till seven."

John raised his head and glared sleepily at Alexander. "Just because you get up at the crack of dawn doesn't mean the rest of us do." He grumbled.

Alexander pouted at him. "Okay first off five o'clock is not that early! And if you don't get up your breakfast will go cold." He said, before climbing on top of John.

"Alex! Get, off! You're heavy!" John wheezed, trying to shove Alexander off.

"Well, looks like you're awake," He said with a shit eating grin. "Now come on!"

Alexander grabbed John's arm and started pulling him out of bed. Well, he tried to. John was kinda heavy.

"Come ooon! Get up already!" He whined. Finally, after much of a struggle, John sat up and sleepily rubbed his eyes.

"This breakfast better be damn amazing." He grumbled before following Alexander to the kitchen. Sitting on the tiny table they had just barely managed to fit in was a bunch of muffins, pancakes, bacon, all of John's favorites.

"Okay." John said, crossing his arms and shooting Alexander a blank look. "Who helped you make all of this? You can't cook for shit."

'Well excuuuuse me." Alexander said. "I'm offended."

At John's unimpressed look, he caved. "Alright I asked Burr and Eliza to help."

John raised an eyebrow. "You asked Burr for help."

"Look he's a single dad and a ridiculously good cook! Like, maybe even better than Eliza's stuff." Alexander's eyes widened and he pointed a finger in John's face. "If you tell him I said that I'll kill you."

John raised his hands in surrender. "Chill Alex. We barely talk anyways."

Alexander grinned. "Good. Now let's eat."


"Wow. You're right. Burr is an awesome cook." John said, leaning back, closing his eyes in bliss.

Alexander beamed. "I'm glad you liked it. Anyways, time for your present."

John raised an eyebrow. "I thought we were doing presents tonight with the others?"

"Well yeah, ut this one is special! Don't worry. I got you something for tonight too." Before John could protest, Alexander was gone, grabbing whatever it was that was John's present.

John waited patiently and a few moments later, Alexander emerged, his hands behind his back. John stared at him, guessing that his present was behind Alexander's back.

"Close your eyes." Alexander ordered. John hesitated. His boyfriend looked way too excited for this.

"Come on, do it!"

John sighed and did as he asked. "Hold out your hands."

"I swear to god Alexander if this is something gross like animal guts I'm gonna murder you."

Alexander scoffed, but said nothing, which was surprising coming from him. John waited patiently, frowning when a heavy object was placed in his hands. He let out a very high pitched screech when whatever was in his hands moved.

"What the hell Alex!" He screamed, trying to yank his hands away but Alexander didn't let him.

"Open your eyes." He encouraged. With slight fear, John slowly opened his eyes, expecting to see something weird and gross. Instead, he saw the cutest thing ever.

"Oh my god...!" He squealed, staring adoringly at the small baby turtle sitting in his hands. "It's so cute!" He whispered, petting the tiny thing's head. He felt like his chest was going to burst with happiness.

"I love it!!"

Alexander grinned. "I'm glad."

John didn't let the tiny thing go for the whole day, even taking it to the party to show off to everybody like some sort of proud parent.


"You okay there Hamilton?" Burr asked, seeing that his coworker was moping in the break room.

"I got John a turtle and now he won't pay me any attention!" He whined. Burr rolled his eyes.

"At least he's happy though." He reasoned, but Alexander was inconsolable.

"I don't care! That turtle needs to go!"

Burr sighed and retreated to his office. He wasn't about to get caught up in Hamilton's drama. Nothing good ever came out of that.

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