Neck Kisses [Jedams]

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"John, we shouldn't be doing this." Thomas whispered.

John grinned, before peppering kisses along Thomas' throat, earning a tiny gasp like moan.

"It's fine love." He murmured. Thomas pursed his lips, a cute blush covering his cheeks.

"You're impossible." He whispered, before letting out a sharp gasp when John bit down on his neck.

"J-John..." He groaned out, feeling his face burn even more.

John giggled, before leaning up and pecking Thomas' lips. "You're so cute." He said with a grin.

Thomas' face turned a dark red and he smacked John's head lightly. "No I'm not." He whined, pouting.

John rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriend again. "Right, you're not freaking adorable."

Suddenly, the closet door swung open, revealing an unimpressed George Washington.

"Adams, Jefferson," he said. "I think you've had enough 'private time'. Let's start the meeting."

John gave Thomas one last kiss before leaning away. "Yes sir." He said.

The two scurried past their boss and John smirked when he saw the horribly embarrassed blush on Thomas' face.

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