Kiss [Jeffmads]

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"Hey James!" Thomas said cheerfully, opening the door to let his friend in. James smiled softly before walking in.

"Ready to cram?" Thomas asked, shutting the door and basically skipping over to the living room. James rolled his eyes before following his ridiculous friend.

"Yup." He replied, settling down on the ground in front of the coffee table. Thomas followed suit, opening his textbook.

"Let's get studying!"


In the end, they only studied for about a half hour before they ended up on the couch, watching the emoji movie. They ended up laughing and mocking it the whole time.

"So, wanna watch another movie?" Thomas asked, looking down at his friend who was cuddled into his side.

"Sure. How 'bout Harry Potter?" James said, snuggling closer. Thomas smiled and rolled his eyes, but changed it to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. They stayed tangled together for the entirety of the movie, casually eating popcorn.

"Ah!" James groaned, stretching his arms. "Harry Potter's such a good movie."

"Hm, I dunno. I like Star Wars better." Thomas said, staring down at James, who had risen, making them nose to nose. 

"Well duh." James snorted, warm breath hitting Thomas' face. Thomas chuckled, their breathes mingling. A silence fell over them, they only sat, staring into each other's eyes.

In the end, James was the one who moved first. Their lips met, both of them froze, neither moved, waiting to see what the other would do. Shyly, Thomas began to move his lips against James'. James smiled softly, before kissing back, quickly taking control.

"J-James..." Thomas whispered. James smiled, climbing on top of Thomas, gently stroking his face. James leaned down, capturing Thomas' mouth in a passionate kiss.

"Thomas..." James mumbled, kissing all over the man's face.

"James, James I really like you." He confessed, wrapping his arms around James, hanging on tightly. James place a gentle kiss on the man's neck before rising again and staring down at Thomas' slightly flushed face.

James giggled.

"I really like you too."

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