Adorable [Jeffburr]

803 32 1

Requested by: Preislee

Warning: Slightly NSFW


Aaron squirmed under Thomas' heavy stare. He kept his eyes down, his face completely flushed.

"Thomas," he said quietly, fiddling with his clothing. "Do I really have to wear this?"

He heard footsteps come close and squeezed his eyes shut when Thomas cupped his chin.

"Don't do that baby," his boyfriend muttered, pressing soft kisses on his face. "Let me see your eyes."

Aaron opened them slowly, but once he caught sight of Thomas, his eyes quickly flickered away and his face went an even brighter red.

"Don't look at me like that..." He mumbled.

"Why not?" Thomas challenged. "You look so cute in this."

Aaron's face burned even more and he started to fiddle with the stupidly short skirt he was wearing.

"It's embarrassing." He whined.

Thomas chuckled softly, before firmly moving Aaron's chin so he faced him. Aaron swallowed at the sight of his lustful eyes and tried to look away, but Thomas wouldn't let him.

"If you don't want to wear it," he said softly, running his hand down Aaron's side. "You don't have to." He kissed Aaron's forehead. "I just wanted to try it out and see what you think. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I can get rid of it-"

"No!" Aaron suddenly blurted out. His face flushed. "I uh, I like it..." He mumbled. "It's just... it's embarrassing when you look at me like that."

"Like that?"

"I- you-" Aaron spluttered. "Y-You look like you want to eat me!"

Thomas giggled, before kissing him softly. He pulled away and stared directly into Aaron's eyes. "Maybe I do." He whispered huskily, grabbing Aaron's ass and tugging him against him. Aaron gasped and whimpered a bit pathetically when their arousals rubbed together.

"T-Thomas..." He whined when his lover bit his neck softly.

"God Aaron," he groaned. "You look so wonderful in this outfit."

Aaron gasped when he rolled his hips against his own.

"You're so goddamn beautiful. In anything you wear."

Thomas backed them up until they hit a wall. With Aaron trapped between him and the hard surface behind him, he started to press into him even more.

"So gorgeous." He groaned, grinding against his boyfriend. Aaron moaned and he grasped and Thomas' muscular back, clutching at the shirt. Thomas kissed him and Aaron went pliant against him, opening his mouth and groaning when their tongues slide together.

He pushed his hips against Thomas', seeking as much friction as possible. He gasped into the kiss when their hips slid together just right nearly causing him to come right there.

"So beautiful, so pretty and gorgeous," Thomas whispered. "And you're all mine." He growled, before biting down on Aaron's sensitive neck.

Aaron came with a cry, arching his back and digging his nails into Thomas' back.

"A-All yours..." He stammered.

Thomas kissed him again, before picking him up and carrying him to the bedroom.

Welp, I still suck at smut. Meh, hope you liked it.

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