Car Crash [Poly Hamilton]

773 46 11

Requested by: _Hamilsquad


Aaron was cuddling with Alexander when they got the phone call. The phone rang throughout the house and Hercules was the one to answer it.

"Hello?" He said softly so as not to disturb his lovers. Aaron watched with sleepy eyes as Hercules talked quietly into the phone. He frowned and felt anxiety build in his stomach when Hercules' face dropped and his eyes widened with horror.

"I- Of course." He said shakily. "We-We'll be right there."

He hung up and faced them.

"Herc?" Alexander asked, squeezing Aaron tightly. "What's wrong."

"That was a call from the hospital," Hercules whispered. "John was in a car crash."

Alexander's eyes widened in horror and he scrambled off the couch along with Aaron.

"Is he going to be alright?" He said.

Hercules pursed his lips. "He's in surgery right now. The doctors aren't sure-"

"Alexander!" Aaron cried when Alexander bolted and ran to the car. He and Hercules quickly followed after.

"Alex," Hercules said once they caught up with him. "I don't think you should drive."

Alexander growled, a death grip on the steering wheel. "Like hell I'll-"

"What if you get into a car crash too Alex?" Aaron said. "How do you think we would feel? How John would feel?"

"Aaron's right. We should call a cab. None of us are suited to-"

"We don't have time for that!" Alexander snapped, eyes filling with tears. "John could be- John could be dying right now! We need to get to him!"

"I don't want you to die as well!" Aaron yelled, tears of his own appearing. "Please Alexander."

With shaking hands, Alexander left the car and Aaron hugged him tightly, so overcome with emotions that he began sobbing into his lover's long hair. Hercules watched with sad eyes, before calling a cab.

It arrived only ten minutes later, and they piled into the cab. Twenty minutes stuck in the cab, each tensed with concern and anticipation, they arrived at the hospital. Hercules gave the cab driver thirty dollars and left without bothering for change.

Once inside, they harassed the receptionist until he let them through.

Two hours later, they were still sitting in the waiting room, John still in surgery.

"Where's Laf?" Alexander asked, arm wrapped around a sleeping Aaron.

Hercules sighed. "He not in New York remember? He's stuck in DC. Eliza's giving him a ride but you know how the traffic can be."

Alexander nodded, before looking down at Aaron.

"Must be rough on him," Hercules said softly. "Can't imagine what memories are coming through."

Alexander's hold on their boyfriend tightened for a moment. "Yeah..." He muttered, kissing his forehead softly.

Aaron shifted slightly, curling even more into Alexander.

Another hour passed, and a doctor came up to them.

"Is John-" Alexander began.

"If Mr. Laurens can get through the night, he'll make a full recovery." The doctor said.

"Can we see him?" Hercules asked.

"You can't be in the same room, but there's a window you can look through to see Mr. Laurens."

"Thank you, sir," Alexander whispered. The doctor nodded, before leaving.

Hercules glanced at Aaron. "Should we wake him?"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah, he'd kill us if we didn't." He gently shook Aaron's shoulder.

Aaron blinked groggily. "What? Is John alright-"

"If he pulls through the night, the doctor said he'll make a full recovery," Hercules explained.

Aaron visibly relaxed. "So he won't be like mama and papa?" He whispered, still drowsy.

Alexander felt tears fill his eyes at that vulnerable voice. "No," He whispered, hugging him tightly. "He'll pull through."

Aaron's eyes filled with tears and he pressed himself into Alexander. "Can we go see him?"

"Only through a window."

Aaron nodded, before standing up. "Let's go."

As they walked to John's room, Hercules' phone rang.


"Hercules!" Lafayette sobbed into the phone. "We have arrived. Where is John, is he alright?"

"If he makes it through the night, he'll be fine. And he's in room 324."

"I'm on my way."

Lafayette hung up before Hercules had the chance to reply.

"Laf's on his way." He said.

Alexander nodded while Aaron kept walking.


"Oh god..." Alexander whispered when he saw John through the glass. Aaron was crying again, hiding his face into Hercules' chest. Lafayette, who was with them now, was crying softly.

John was hooked up to various machines, his face was littered with cuts and he was covered with bandages.

"He'll pull through," Hercules said, tightening his hold on Aaron. "He has to."

A few days later, John still hasn't woken up but his lovers are allowed into his room. Aaron, considering he barely moves while he sleeps, curls up as close as possible to John and falls asleep.

The other all sit in chairs, anxiously waiting for their lover to wake up.


Hercules wakes up with a groan, hearing sobbing. His eyes flew open and he looked around, only to see Aaron clinging to John, sobbing into his chest.

"It's okay Ronnie. I'm fine." John whispered, planting kisses all over his head.

"I was so s-scared!" Aaron sobbed. Hercules' eyes teared up and he ran to them. All the commotion woke Lafayette and Alexander, who joined the tearful hug, all sobbing with relief.

"Don't even scare me like that again," Aaron whispered once everyone had kind of calmed down.

John hugged him the best he could and kissed him.

"I promise I won't."

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