Tired [Jamilton]

481 26 5

Requested by: LinzieHayes


Thomas woke up feeling more tired than when he'd went to sleep. Before he even sat up, he knew it was going to be a bad day.

His body felt heavy, and unresponsive, and his mind just wanted to shut off and go blank.

He blinked slowly, the drowsiness fading away and being replaced by an distant buzzing and numbness.

Now on autopilot, Thomas went to have a shower. He turned the temperature to scalding hot and stepped under it, taking slight enjoyment in the stinging sensation on his skin.

He ended up standing under the shower head, scrubbing himself raw until the water turned chilled.

When the freezing water hit his previously burning skin, he blinked and realized how long he'd been in the shower.

With a small scowl, he got out of the shower and went to get dressed for the day.

He took a step towards his kitchen before stopping. His stomach twisted with nausea at the thought of eating and he decided that food could wait till lunch. Or maybe even dinner.

He grabbed his phone, movements feeling slow and laggy. As he opened his phone, it buzzed.

Alexander Hamilton:
I left some of my notes at your dorm. I'm on my way to pick them up.

Thomas blinked and felt a slight shot of anxiety run through him. Did he really want Hamilton to see him like this?

As he stood there, staring blankly at his phone, he found be couldn't bring himself to care at all.

His door knocked and Thomas flinched. He tilted his head and stared at the door, barely registering the second knock.

When the third one came followed by an annoyed groan, Thomas finally walked over to the door and opened it.

Hamilton scowled at him and pushed pass. "'Bout time." He snapped.

Thomas blinked and frowned, trying to ignore the sudden ache in his heart.

He watched as Hamilton stalked around before triumphantly snatching up a notebook.

"Aha! Well, I'll see you later Jefferson." Hamilton said, already opening the notebook, eyes scanning back and forth.

"See you." Thomas mumbled and Hamilton marched pass him without another glance.

Thomas closed the door and went back to his bed, his heart in his throat.

He collapsed on his bed and decided to sleep his heartache away.

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