Romeo and Juliet [Hamburr]

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Aaron turned around and quirked a brow. "What's wrong Thomas?" He asked.

Thomas crossed his arms. "You need to stop seeing Hamilton." He said.

Aaron blinked before scowling. "Excuse me?" He said. "Who gives you the right to dictate my love life?"

"He's the enemy Aaron!" Thomas exclaimed. "Not to mention he's a total asshole!"

"Well, he's sweet to me," Aaron said. "I can date who I like. You just have to deal with it." With that, he turned on his heel and marched away.


Aaron slammed the door to the apartment and yanked his jacket off.

"Aaron?" Alexander called. When he saw how aggravated his lover was, he frowned. "Aaron, what's wrong?"

Aaron groaned and pressed his face into Alexander's chest. "Thomas is being an idiot." He grumbled.

"When isn't he?" Alexander joked, wrapping his arms around Aaron and pulling him closer. "You don't normally complain about him, what happened?"

"He wants me to stop dating you," Aaron mumbled.

Alexander tensed and squeezed Aaron. "What is his problem? He doesn't have the right to control your love life. It's none of his business!"

"That's what I said!" Aaron said. He sighed and allowed Alexander to lead him to the couch. He quickly snuggled into his lover, inhaling his scent. "I'm sick of this." He said softly. "I hate that both our friend groups seem to think it's okay to try and control our love lives."

"I know love," Alexander said, kissing him on the forehead. "Hopefully they'll get over it soon."

"I sure hope so."

Alexander kissed him again, before snatching the remote. "Enough of them. Let's just watch some shitty chick flicks and cuddle."

Aaron laughed. "Sounds good."

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