Swimming [Mullette]

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"Laf! Come on I wanna go swimming! We bought this house for the pool didn't we?" Hercules said, pulling on his boyfriend's arm, trying to remove him from the couch.

"Hercules I do not like swimming." He replied, not even looking up from his phone. Hercules frowned.

"Is it cause you're trans?"

Lafayette froze and Hercules knew he got it right. He released Lafayette's arm and instead pulled him into a gentle hug.

"It's our own pool Laf, no one but me is gonna see you." Hercules said softly, nuzzling the other man's cheek and pressing soft kisses. Lafayette nuzzle back, obviously thinking about it.

"Please love?" He said. Lafayette sighed before giving him a smile.



"CANNONBALL." Hercules screamed, landing in the water with a splash. He returned to the surface and grinned at his boyfriend, running a hand through his hair. "Come on Laf! Water's great!"

Lafayette, who was hiding behind the backdoor, nervously stepped out, inching closer. He stopped right before the edge, arms crossed over his chest self-consciously. Hercules smiled sadly, before lurching forward grabbing his boyfriend and pulling back into the water. Lafayette let out a screech of surprise.

"Hercules!" He squealed, pushing against his strong arms. Hercules turned him around and kissed him hard on the lips.

They pulled away and Hercules smiled lovingly.

"You're beautiful Lafayette. Don't ever forget it."

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