Art [Hamburr]

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"Hey I'm home!" Alexander yelled, hanging up his coat. He frowned slightly when he recieved no response, wondering where his husband was.

"Aaron?" He called, walking through their small condo, first checking the kitchen. Aaron wasn't there. Next came the dining room, then the bedroom, same result.

"Aaron?" He called, slightly panicked.

"In here Alexander!" Aaron's voice called back and Alexander relaxed with relief and started walking to him.

"Geez you scared me." Alexander said, walking in the living room where Aaron was sitting cross-legged with their son.

"Daddy!" He yelled, scrambling up and hugging Alexander's legs. He chuckled, petting his son's fluffy head.

"Hey Pip." He said, smiling.

"Daddy daddy! Look! Me and Papa are doing art!" Philip said, grabbing Alexander's hand and leading him over to the coffee table the two were sitting at. Alexander chuckled.

"Really? Can I see?" Philip nodded eagerly, grabbing his piece of paper and proudly showing it off to him.

"Look Daddy! It's you, me and Papa!" He said, pointing to the figures on the drawing. Alexander chuckled again and crouched, taking a closer look at his son's drawing.

"So it is!" He said.

"You should see Papa's Daddy! They're amazing!!" Alexander raised an eyebrow, looking at his husband.


Aaron's face flushed slightly and he looked away.

"Can I see them?" He asked, scooting closer to him. Aaron covered his drawing, before sighing and removing his hand. Alexander's eyes widened when he saw the detailed portrait of Philip.

"Wow..." He said, picking it up. "This is amazing..."

"He made one of us too Daddy!" Philip said, grabbing another piece of paper and handing it to Alexander. It was another portrait, featuring Alexander and Philip.

A frown flickered across his face, but vanished as soon as it came. "They're amazing." He said, setting the drawing down. "Now, who's hungry?"


"You didn't tell me you could draw!" Alexander said after they put Philip to sleep. Aaron shrugged.

"It's not something I do often." He replied.

"Aaron, why didn't you add yourself into that portrait of me and Philip? You're family too you know."

Aaron blinked before smiling softly. "I know Alexander. I just dislike drawing myself."

Alexander accepted the answer and changed the subject. "Can you teach me to draw?" He asked eagerly.

Aaron looked surprised and confused. "What? Why?"

Alexander laughed awkwardly. "Well uh, I've never been good at drawing... but I've always wanted to get better! So can you teach me?"

Aaron hesitated. "I can try but I don't know if it will be any good..."

"Please! You're probably the best teacher out there! Now come on! I wanna learn everything!"


"Alexander, you need to make your strokes softer. This isn't your final product and you're going to want to change later."

"Alexander if you want to color your drawing you need to make the strokes softer and lighter."

"Softer Alexander!"

"You know what? I give up. I'm just gonna stick with writing." Alexander said in defeat, setting down his pencil.

Aaron frowned, looking guilty. "I'm sorry Alexander. I'm not a very good teacher..."

"What? No, it's not your fault!" Alexander leaned over and kissed him gently.

"Trust me, I wasn't meant to be an artist. I'll make my way through life with writing."

Aaron laughed.

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