Love Letters [Jamilton]

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Requested by: ThePrideOfMtVernon


"Whaaaaat?" Thomas said, holding a light pink letter. "Another one?"

James looked over at his friend from his own locker, blinking in surprise when he saw the envelope.

"Another love letter Thomas?" He asked, grabbing his math textbook and wrinkling his nose in distaste. He didn't like math.

"Yeah." Thomas muttered, turning the letter over and sighing lightly when he saw no name.

"Geez, that's the second time today." James said, slamming his locker shut.

"I know." Thomas said, opening the envelope and grabbing the letter. James peered over his shoulder for a better look.

"What's it say this time?"

Thomas quickly folding the letter up and James was fascinated to see a flush across his cheeks. "Nothing." He mumbled, looking embarrassed.

James grinned. "Was it another letter praising you?"

Thomas shoved him lightly. "Shut up."

He only laughed and shook his head. "I wonder who they're from."

Thomas shrugged, grabbing his textbooks and slamming his locker shut. "Who knows."


James sighed as Thomas stormed off after an especially heated debate with Hamilton. Irritated, he shot Hamilton a glare.

"Thomas' fashion sense has nothing to do with same sex marriage Hamilton." He said, crossing his arms.

Hamilton scoffed at him. "Well my upbringing has nothing to do with same sex marriage. And besides! He was against same sex marriage! He was obviously wrong."

"Thomas is the gayest man I know. He is all for same sex marriage. However, he was assigned to be against it." James shook his head. "A good debater can fight for any side, despite their personal beliefs. That's why Thomas normally wins against you."

Hamilton crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out. "Whatever Madison." He said before leaving.

James groaned and shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know why Washington likes him."

The man beside him, Aaron Burr, snorted. "You and me both."


James walked down the halls towards his locker. It was the end of the day and Thomas was busy in choir, so James had to walk home by himself today. However, he still had to grab his science binder for his homework tonight.

He was shocked to see one Alexander Hamilton standing on his tip toes and slipping something into a locker. He was even more shocked to realize it was Thomas'. At first, he figured it was some hate letter or something talking about how wrong Thomas was.

But that was before he saw the familiar pink envelope slip by.

"It was you!" He cried loudly.

Hamilton shrieked, fell to the ground and scrambled back up, completely flustered.

"J-James!" He squeaked, face bright red. "I uh, what're you doing here."

James stared him. "This is my locker."

"O-Oh. Um, I'll just be going then-"

"Not so fast Hamilton!"

Hamilton squeaked again.

James crossed his arms. "Why are you slipping love letters into Thomas' locker."

"I don't know what-"

"Don't try to deny it. I saw you."

Hamilton looked like he was about to argue, before sighing in defeat.

"It was my friends idea okay!" He stammered, face red. "They got sick of hearing my uh, pining and told me to do something." He looked down at his feet. "They said that if I didn't write the love letters, than they would."

"Is this some type of sick joke?" James asked, angry.

Hamilton's eyes widened and he waved his hands frantically. "What? No! God no."

"You actually like him that way."

"S-Shut up!"

James raised his hands in defense. "Chill." He put a hand on his hip. "You should just tell him Alexander."

Hamilton stared at him like he was insane. "Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "Thomas hates me!"

James snorted. "He doesn't hate you. Sure, he might find you annoying sometimes but I swear, if I have to hear about your eyes one more time-"

"He likes my eyes?"

James stopped. "Yeah. Thinks they're the - I quote - 'Most beautiful fucking thing in this world it's not fair.'"

Hamilton looked shocked.

"H-He likes me too?"

"Don't get too excited. I don't know about like you a lot, but I doubt he'd say no to a date."

Hamilton looked thrilled.

"Oh my god thanks Madison!" He cried before running off.

James sighed heavily. Hopeless dimwits.


The next day when Thomas opened his locker, hundreds of letter fell out, this time with the name Alexander Hamilton.

(In the end, they got married and James got to boast he'd gotten them together.)

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