Pencil [Hamburr]

845 45 18

Tap Tap Tap

Alexander sat at a table deep in thought. He tapped his pencil mindlessly, instead thinking about what else he should write on his essay. It was already ten pages long and could easily be finished off, but he wasn't done writing yet.

He still had many other points to write down as to why Thomas Jefferson was a lazy, magenta asshole, who was wrong about everything.

"Would you stop that?" A person at his table, Aaron Burr, Alexander's boyfriend, hissed.

Alexander blinked, Aaron's voice bringing him out of thought.

Wha?" He said dumbly.

"Your pencil." Aaron said, annoyance creeping into his tone. "You keep tapping it. It's annoying."

Alexander blinked. "Oh. Sorry."

Aaron sighed. "Just don't do it again."


Tap Tap Tap

"Alexander!" Aaron snapped.

Alexander flinched, startled. He let out a squeal when Aaron snatched his pencil away.

"Aaron!" He whined, trying to take it back but Aaron moved away.

"No. You obviously can't be trusted with this." He glared. "You either stop the tapping or I leave."

"No don't leave!!" Alexander said. "Fine, I'll stop."

Aaron handed his pencil back, looking satisfied. "Good."

Tap Tap Tap

"That's it!"

"Aaron no! Don't go!"

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