Mac 'n Cheese [Jamilton]

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"I'm home!" Alexander called, stepping through the front door.


"Oof!" Alexander wheezed when a tiny girl wih fluffy hair barged into him, nearly knocking him over.

"Hey sweetie." He said, patting his daughter's head.

"Daddy daddy! Papa's making us dinner!" She cried, grinning up at him, revealing her tooth gap.

"Oh is he?" Alexander said. Angelica released him and grabbed his hand.

"Come on come on!" She cried, tugging him forward. "Papa is in the kitchen!"

Alexander allowed her to lead him to the kitchen, where Thomas was standing over the stove.

"Papa! Daddy's home!" Angelica said, letting go of Alexander's hand and running over to Thomas, who leaned down and picked her up.

"So he is love." He said, throwing Alexander a smile.

"Hey Thomas." Alexander said, leaning up to kiss his husband. Thomas hummed, pleased, before pulling away and returning to the stove.

"Wanna stir Angie?" He asked, smiling down at their daughter. Angelica nodded eagerly and Thomas chuckled before handing her the wooden spoon he'd been using. Alexander wrapped his arms around Thomas' waist, attempting to look over Thomas' shoulder, but found that both his and Angelica's fluffy hair blocked his view.

"Watcha making Thommy?" He finally asked, nuzzling the man's neck. Thomas shivered, his neck was sensitive, and placed a kiss on Alexander's head, allowing him to finally see what was in the pot.

"Is that mac 'n cheese?!"

Thomas grinned sheepishly. "Maybe?"

"Can't you make anything else?!" Alexander asked, glaring up at him. "Mac 'n cheese is all you ever make! It's not even that good!"

Thomas looked offended.

"Mac 'n cheese is great." He insisted. "Plus you do most of the cooking so allow me to have a my moment!"

Alexander sighed. His husband was ridiculous.

"You're lucky I love you..." He mumbled. Thomas grinned and pecked his cheek.

"Love you too!"

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