Cheating [Hamreynolds/Marliza]

365 24 8

Requested by: GuavaGuava


Alexander stood in the corner of his room, silent as he watched his wife read the ninety-five paged pamphlet he wrote and published. His gaze was blank, revealing nothing while his wife's was one of mild frustration and maybe anger.

"I want a divorce." She said quietly.

Alexander blinked. That wasn't the response he'd been expecting. He thought there would more screaming, shouting and anger.

"Okay." He said blankly. It wasn't like he was opposed to a divorce. They were forced into this marriage, and he would much rather marry the man he loved.

It took months, but eventually they finalized their divorce. Alexander got to be with the one he loved, James Reynolds, while his ex-wife Eliza got together with James' ex-wife Maria.

They ended up on talking terms, even inviting the opposite couple to each other's wedding.

It was a strange, yet interesting world.

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