Scarf [Burrens]

524 33 5

"Alexander, look at him!" John said, shaking his friend and gesturing as subtly as possible to his crush.

Alexander groaned and looked. "What John?" He said, obviously annoyed. "He's wearing what he always wears. Blue jeans and a grey sweater."

"Yeah, but look!" John gave a small, almost dreamy, sigh. "Doesn't that scarf look amazing on him? That burgundy color really brings out his eyes."

Alexander groaned. "Just go talk to him already John. I'm so sick of hearing you pining over Aaron. Just go talk to him already!"

"And say what?" John snorted. "Hi, your scarf brings out your eyes and I think you're fucking gorgeous? No thanks, I think I'll pass."

When all John got in response was a smirk and a finger pointed behind him. He felt dread settle in his stomach. He turned around and promptly turned bright red when he saw Aaron standing behind him, eyes wide with shock and face just as red, if not more so, than John's.

"A-Aaron..." He stammered.

Alexander meanwhile, was grinning. "I'll leave you to it." He said before standing and leaving.

"Alex wait-" John sighed and leaned back with a slight groan.

"John?" Aaron said, sounding uncertain. "I.. did you mean all that? A-About me being, um..."

"Gorgeous?" John supplied. "Yeah."

Both their faces turned a darker shade of red at the confession.

"John, do you like-like me?" Aaron asked hesitantly.

John's eyes widened at the question before nodding.

"Yeah..." He whispered, voice cracking slightly in embarrassment. He hung his head, cheeks burning and stomach twisting and turning. God this was so embarrassing.

His eyes widened and he squeaked slightly when Aaron cupped his chin and brushed his lips against John's.

"Me too." He said with a smile.

John's eyes widened and he grinned brightly, before grabbing Aaron's scarf and pulling him into another kiss.

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