Locker [Johngelica]

404 17 4

Requested by: Hamilton_Lams


John screamed when the bullies shoved him into a locker and slammed the door shut, locking it.

"Let me out!" He cried, pure fear filling his voice. He banged on the locker door until his hands bruised, screaming for help.

He could feel his claustrophobia crept up on him and his breathing quickened. He was so panicked that he didn't even hear the girl talking outside to the bullies.

He stumbled out when the door suddenly flew open and fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, hey calm down." A woman said but John couldn't listen. His breathing was too fast, the blood was roaring in his ears and he couldn't focus.

He gasped when the girl put his hand on her chest. His face flushed, but he managed to follow her breathing and calmed down.

"T-Thanks." He stuttered.

The woman smiled at him kindly. "It was nothing. Are you alright?"

John nodded and rubbed away his tears. "Y-Yeah, just... you know, claustrophobia. I'll b-be fine."

The girl looked concerned and it was only then that John noticed that she had really pretty brown eyes.

"Well, let's get you to the nurse just in case. My names Angelica by the way." She said, offering her hand to help him up.

John smiled and accepted her hand. "I'm John."

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