Zombie [Lams]

535 30 11

"Alexander, do you think everything is alright with John?"

Alexander looked over at Lafayette with a frown. "What do you mean?"

Lafayette nibbled at his lip. "He's been... distant. I was wondering if you knew why."

"No idea," Alexander said, his frown deepening. "I haven't noticed anything different about him. I don't really think we need to worry."

Lafayette looked unconvinced. "Well... If you say so."


After that chat, Alexander began actively trying to spot something off about John. And to his disbelief and worry, he did. John was normally a very social person, often going on patrol with many people, but now... John went alone.

Not only that, but he seemed to go out of his way to avoid people. Spending most of his time in his tent and only leaving it to go on patrol and eating some food. And food was another thing. John was eating less and less of it. Instead of eating three times a day, he's now eating only once.

The more he noticed those types of things, the more worried Alexander got.

"John," He confronted one day. "What's up with you?"

John frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? John, you're eating less and less and actively avoiding people. Not to mention you're going out on patrol alone! You know how dangerous that is! What the hell is going on?"

John looked away. "Nothing Alexander. Just leave it."

"Leave it?" Alexander exclaimed. "I'm your boyfriend! You can't just expect me to leave it!"

John suddenly looked up, glaring at him. "Just leave me alone!" He yelled before running off.

Alexander watched him run with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"John..." He whispered.


That night, Alexander couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, tried desperately to fall asleep, but he couldn't. John's face, his words, kept coming back, keeping him awake.

"Alex..." A voice whispered and a second later, someone was shaking his shoulder.

"J-John...?" Alexander mumbled, sitting up and blinking to let his eyes adjust to the light coming from John's lantern. He frowned when he saw the pained and incredibly sad expression on his lover's face.

"John?" He asked, reaching up to cradle his face. "What's wrong?"

When his hands touched John's skin, John flinched back, stumbling away.

"Don't." He mumbled, looking away. "I... I can't control-" His words cut off and his face tightened with pain.

"John?" Alexander was up now, out of bed. "What's wrong?"

To his shock, John started crying. "It's too strong now Alex." He sobbed, hugging himself. "I can't... I can't control the urges anymore."

"John, what the hell are you talking about?"

John lifted his shirt and flung it away. Alexander gasped in horror and took a step back when the intense smell of rotten flesh hit him.

"Oh my god..." He whispered, feeling sick. He stared in horror at the rotten peeling skin of John's chest. "What... When...? You were bit?" He said, swallowing bile.

"I can't control-" John gasped. "The need for flesh, for human flesh is overwhelming Alexander." John looked up, eyes a bit crazed but desperate. "Please Alexander. I can't do this. Don't let me become one- one of them."

"John... I can't-" Alexander swallowed. "I can't shoot you."

John flung a pistol at him. "Alex," He whispered. "There's no saving me. Just do it, I'm begging you!" He sobbed, wrapping his arms around his decaying torso. "I can't become a walker! I can't!"

"John." Alexander sobbed.

"Please Alex... Only... Only you. Please just end it. It hurts so much!"

Alexander grasped the pistol and raised it. He pointed it at John's tear-stained face. Sobbing, he pulled the trigger.


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