Petty [Jamilams]

448 36 6

Requested by: And_PuggleSchuyler


"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" Thomas exclaimed. Alexander only stuck his tongue out and snuggled in further with John.

Thomas growled and when he took a step forward, Alexander hissed and tried to kick him.

"What is your problem! You're seriously doing this because I won the case?" Thomas snapped. "Don't be so petty." 

Alexander only stuck his tongue out.

John sighed and ran his free hand through his curls. "You know how he gets Thomas."

"Of course I do, but what happens at court and work doesn't come home." Thomas said, crossing his arms.

John's face softened and he scooted over, ignoring Alexander's glare.

"Sit beside me." John said, patting the spot. Thomas gave him a tiny smile and climb in beside him. Both ignored Alexander's betrayed look.

Thomas cuddled into John's side and breathed in his scent, feeling all his tension from earlier fade away.

They both ignored Alexander when he pouted. 

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