Duck Face [Mullette]

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"Lafayette," Hercules said, staring at his boyfriend. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Lafayette glanced away from his phone, lips returning to normal.

"Huh?" He said, blinking. "What do you mean?"

"The" Hercules gestured with his hands at Lafayette's lips. "Things you're doing with your lips."

Lafayette stared at him blankly.

"You know" Hercules gestured some more and tried to imitate what Lafayette had done a minute ago.

At Lafayette's continued blank stare, Hercules growled in frustrated.

"Like, like!" Hercules growled again and puckered his lips weirdly. Lafayette stared at him for a minute before bursting out laughing.

"Oh mon dieu Hercules!" He chortled. Hercules' face flushed and he glared at Lafayette.

"What?" He snapped.

"W-What I was d-doing..." Lafayette broke out laughing again while Hercules watched in embarrassment. "It is called a 'duck face' mon coeur."

"That's a ridiculous name." Hercules gumbled, face flushed.

Lafayette giggled before leaning over and pecking him on the cheek.

"Maybe. But it is a fun face to make."

Hercules rolled his eyes and pouted, prompting Lafayette to kiss him again.

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