Period [Madilton]

563 21 6

Requested by: kellydelavega1


Alexander scowled and placed a hand on his temple. He gritted his teeth and tried to focus on his work, but found he couldn't. The hushed whispers that had circulated around the courthouse distracting him. He clenched his hand and blinked back his tears.

God he hated his period. It always threw his emotions out of control. He normally didn't give a flying fuck about what people said about him. Stupid dumbass hormones.

A sob tore from his throat and he squeezed his eyes shut, cursing every living thing that he was born the wrong gender.

"Dammit." He muttered, wiping at his eyes. He let out a shaky breath and tried to control his breathing.

There was a soft knock on his office door and he tensed.

"Who is it?" He asked, breathing a small sigh of relief when his voice remained even and steady.

"It's me Alex," James said softly.

Any and all tension Alexander had had was gone. He stood up and walked over to his door and unlocked it, before stumbling to the small couch tucked in the corner of the room.

James entered a second later and carefully closed there door.

"Hey Alex." He said, walking over to the couch and taking a seat beside him. "I brought some gifts."

Alexander peeked his head out from the pillow it was currently stuffed in to look at his boyfriend curiously.

James smiled and placed a plastic bag next to him. Alexander scooted to it and carefully opened it.

His eyes widened and a few tears pricked at his eyes when he saw the pads and chocolate inside.

"Thanks babe." He said quietly, wiping away the treacherous tears. James smiled before leaning over and kissing Alexander's forehead.

Alexander smiled softly and grabbed some of the chocolate.

"Thanks." He repeated. Before James could comment on his tears, James could be a little shit sometimes, Alexander kissed him.

James smiled into it before pulling away.

"Let's get you home."

Alexander nodded, for once not upset about leaving his work.

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