Baby Girl

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You smirked at the picture Beyonce sent you. She went to have a mini photo shoot but you couldn't go because you had class so she sent you a couple.

BooBear🐻❤️: Baby girl you look so fucking beautiful!

BooBear🐻❤️: Like damn 🤤

BabyGirl🌸💞: 🙈🥰 Thank you baby

BabyGirl🌸💞: We're on our way back to campus.

BooBear🐻❤️: Ight, I'll meet you at the fishbowl

Once you were done with class you headed over to the fishbowl. It was just an old building on campus and every time it rains the hallway would get flooded so that's why they called it the fishbowl. Bey and Arnold wasn't there yet so you sat on the bench waiting for them. As you waited you strolled through Instagram.

"You better not be looking at other girls" Beyonce said walking up behind you.

You smiled hearing your girlfriend's voice, you pulled her on your lap before you attacked her face with kisses.

" where's Arnold?" You asked.

"He went up to his dorm to edit the pictures" she smiled.

Arnold was Bey best friend and he was taking up photography and was hella good at it.

" I wanna take some pictures of you later" you said biting your lower lip.

" oh yeah? Should I have my clothes on or off?" She asked with a smirk.

" clothes off so we can get a better connection" you chuckled.

" you so nasty" she said grabbing your jaw kissing your lips.

You moaned when she dipped her tongue in your mouth. Pulling away from Her, you had to remember where y'all was.

"You wanna take this back to my dorm room?" Beyoncé asked standing up.

"Hey yeah" you said getting up.


You light sucked on Beyoncé's neck as y'all laid in bed together. She had her hand in your head, running them through your soft curls. You pulled back when your phone started ringing.

" ignore it" Bey said stopping you from reaching for it.

" lemme see who it is first baby girl" you chuckled.

Checking your phone you seen that it was your project partner, who Beyoncé hated for some reason. you was pretty sure she seen who it was too since she took the phone out your hand.

" hello" Bey answered.

" oh um, can I speak with Y/N for second?" Tasha asked.

" she's busy right now, wassup? What you need?" Beyoncé asked.

"Never mind I'll just call back"

Beyoncé hung up the phone putting in back on the night stand. You  pulled her back closer to you, enjoying the skin to skin contact with your girlfriend.

" what did she want?" You asked.

" your attention, man I can't stand that girl" she said sitting up.

" you worrying bout the wrong thing right now baby girl. You got all this sexiness in front of you" you chuckled.

Beyoncé looked over at you smiling before she lending over pecking your lips.

" I love you" She mumbled.

" I love you too baby girl" you said.


"Hey Arnold!" You yelled in the way Helga did it on the tv show.

"Arrrrnoldddd" you laughed.

" oh shut up" he said.

" I'm surprised baby girl ain't with you" Arnold said.

You just rolled your eyes when Arnold called Beyoncé "baby girl"  he always did it to get you mad but that was just payback because the way you say his name every time you see him.

" she should be getting out of class  but I came to get you so we can go to the cafe" you said.


Getting to the cafe Bey was already there waiting for y'all.

" we wasn't walking that slow right?" You aske Arnold.

" she probably ran here or some shit" Arnold said sliding in the booth.

You slid in right next to Beyoncé, kissing her cheek.

"How was class?" You asked.

" it was ok, he let us out early hence why I'm here before y'all" she said.

"So baby girl did you like those pictures I sent you" Arnold asked Beyoncé.

"You're really trying to die huh?"

Beyoncé laughed before wrapping her arms around you.

"Arnold you know Y/N the only one that calls me that" Beyoncé chuckled.

"I know but it's fun to see her mad" he said laughing.

A/N: yeahhhh I don't think this first was all that but the second one will definitely be better🚫 🧢

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