Prankster part 3

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"Come on little man we're going to prank mommy" You said to Lucas.

You grabbed the camera putting it on the floor in front of her and Lucas.

"Hey what's up guys, it's been a while since we posted a video. Been so busy with new projects and this little guy right here who just started crawling. But anyways we're going to be pranking Beyoncé multiple times in one day. She's going to have me sleeping on the couch tonight" You said laughing.

Lucas pulled himself up by Your shirt before falling over.

"That's alright little man" You said picking him up.

"Alright guys so I got a camera already set up in the bathroom, one in the bedroom, and this one will be out here" You said getting up.


you had Lucas in his play pin in yours and Beyoncé's room, she sat by the window waiting to see Bey car pull up. You jumped up when you seen her car pull up, You closed the room door before you jumped on the bed pulling the sheet up to her waist and started humping the bed fake moaning causing her son to laugh. It didn't take Bey long to get up to the room.

"Are you fucking serious! In front of our son!" Beyoncé said.

"Oh shit babe, you're home early" You said covering up.

Beyoncé jumped on the bed pulling Your hair.

"Fucking cheater" she said punching you in your head ready to tag the hoe she thought you was in bed with. Lucas was having a laughing fit over in his play pin.

"Bey I was only joking, nobody is under me" You said covering your head with the pillow.

"I'm sick of you" Beyoncé said slapping Your back.

"I thought you were having sex in front of him, I was so ready to kill you and the bitch" Bey said moving her hair out her face.

"Mommy was going to hurt Mama" Beyoncé said getting up walking over to Lucas's play pin to pick him up.

You smiled at the camera before turning the camera off without Bey knowing.

"How was the meeting beautiful?" You asked.

" good, I'm tired as hell. Just want to take a shower and relax" Bey said kissing Lucas.

"Well me and Lucas sat home watched cartoons , had tummy time and watched some girl run" you said joking about the last part.

" alright Y/M/N keep playing, you're not gonna make it to see 29" Beyoncé said passing Lucas to his mama so she could get undressed and ready for her shower.

" what are you doing?"

"Getting ready for my shower" Bey said.

"Hold on let me pee" You said putting Lucas back in his play pin.

"Awe baby don't cry, mommy got you" Bey said picking him back up.

Both You and Bey had Lucas spoiled, he was always in someone's arms.

You went inside the bathroom turning on the camera knowing you'll have to do some editing later. You put the powder in Beyoncé's blow dryer before she came back out.

"Ok so today is wash day for Bey so I'm putting powder in the blow dryer" you said.

" look Lucas there goes Mama" Bey said smiling when Lucas tried to mouth the words.

"He's getting there" You said grabbing Lucas.


You waited for 5mins before you walked in the bathroom with your little brother tarantula. Putting the spider in the shower with Bey before she could even close the door Beyoncé let out a loud high pitch scream.

"Y/N!" She screamed.

Beyoncé knocked down the shower curtains wrapping herself up in it. It looked like she was about to crawl up the wall backwards.

"What wring!?" You asked.

" it's a spider, please get it" Beyoncé cried.

"Shit Bey that shit big!" You said stepping back.

" Y/N pleaseeee"

As soon as the spider moved You ran out closing the bathroom door leaving Bey in there screaming for her life. You laughed but not too loud for Bey to hear. Lucas just sat there in his play pin with a toy in his mouth.

Beyoncé legit had tears coming from her eyes, she hate spiders with a passion. It's like every time she moves the spider get closer.

"Babyyyyy pleaseeee" Bey cried out to You.

You came back in with a box, slowly walking towards the tub she scooped the spider but as soon as it moved you tossed it over at Bey making her fall out the tub as she tried to get away. Getting up Beyoncé jumped on You wrapping her naked self around her.

"Beyoncé, what are you doing get down" You said laughing.

"It's a spider in here" she said.

"Ok I'll get it out so you can finish your shower " you said walking  out the bathroom.

"Buddy when you get older and you see a spider kill it before your mommy see it" You said to your son.

"Not funny Y/N " Beyoncé said standing in their room naked.

Once You got the spider out Bey went back in finishing her shower. Beyoncé plugged up her blow dryer, turning it on all the powder hitting her straight in the face.

" Y/N I'm gonna fucking kill you" Beyoncé yelled.


"Open" Beyoncé said as she was feeding Lucas.

"Can't believe you blended rice and chicken" You said In disgust.

"Shut up, you're not eating it he is"

"Can we talk after this?" You asked.

"Talk about what?" Bey asked.

"Just how I've been feeling" You said playing with your fingers, looking up to see Bey staring at you.

"What are you talking about? Feeling what?..... you know what let's talk now" Bey said.

" my feelings towards you. I don't feel the way I used to feel anymore, the only thing that's keeping me here is Lucas and I feel like I'm being forced" you said.

Beyoncé gave You a stank look for about 5 minutes.

"Don't even go there Y/N , we been together for 6 damn years and now you're trying to break up with me. No. FUCK NO! You gave me this ring for a reason, it's a promise and you're not about to break that" Beyoncé said cleaning Lucas mouth before she took him out his high chair.

"I just can't do it anymore" You said trying not to laugh.

"Well guess what? You're going to deal with it because you're not leaving me or him" Beyoncé said getting up.

" and if you think about leaving us imma fuck you up and that's on periodt" Bey said.

"Well baby it was a prank anyways. Well everything was a prank today and I got it all on camera"

" I swear you're 10. You're not getting any for 2weeks" Beyoncé said.

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