Mines part 2

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"She's going to love this news" Beyoncé  mumbled.

"Ok then what's the matter? I thought you was in love with her" Naya said.

" I am but I don't know if she is" Beyoncé said.

" she has to if she'll be excited finding out you're pregnant"

" she's been wanting to get me pregnant for the longest just so other people won't talk to me. I don't want it to be her baby" she said.

" are you serious? Bey this is Y/N we're talking about. The woman that showed up at your job because you wasn't answering her calls" Naya said.

" you don't understand Naya.... you know what never mind, I have a headache and I'm going home" Beyoncé said leaving.

Bey was honestly mad at herself for letting you get her pregnant. She didn't want a baby with someone that doesn't have feelings for her. When She got home she changed into something real comfortable before grabbing one of her pre-made salads settling on her couch to watch "friends"


" yo get this shit up, you got my house dirty" You said to your son.

" mommy said you can't cuss at me, I'm telling" Jamari said.

" aye shut up, I'm grown I can say what I want now clean up so we can go"

" I hope I'm staying with mommy tonight because you mean" Jamari said as he started picking up his toys.

" I don't care stank, you can go to yo mommy house. Imma have fun and eat all the candy without you" You said sticking your tongue out at your son.

"No! You got to share with me because I share with you all the time" Jamari said smiling.

" I'll think about it"


"Be good for grandma and you bet not give her a hard time or imma beat you" You said.

"My baby never act up with me" Tina said kissing Jamari's head.

You didn't talk to your family at all so Beyoncé's mom was grandma to Jamari. Beyoncé family love Jamari as if he was Beyoncé actual child.

" thanks for watching him, Bey picking him up tonight" You said before leaving.


" why you ain't text me?" You asked Bey.

" even though you have a key you still need to knock" She said.

"Yeah whatever"

You went to bend down and give Bey a kiss but She moved back from You.

" we need to talk" Beyoncé said looking at you.

" about what?" You said sitting down.

" I'm pregnant" she said playing with her finger nails.

"G shit? I knew you was gonna have my baby one day" You said smiling.

"No Y/N this isn't right..... I'm having a child with a person that doesn't even love me" Beyoncé said.

" what? Man don't start this shit, you know how I feel about you" You said.

"You dont love me, you love my attention" She said.

" Bey I do love you" You said.

" you don't! Because if you did you would be coming home to me at night! Not being seen with some other bitches! You say you love me and how im your girlfriend but you go out and fuck with other girls and you're just hurting me more and more and I can't take it no more" She sobbed.

"Beyoncé they don't mean shit to me and you know that"

"I don't want this baby to be yours" Bey mumbled.

" wow......Ok fine if it's like that then go get a fucking abortion" you said digging in your pocket throwing some money on the table.

" you don't got to worry about me and my son no more" You said getting up to leave.

" no! You can't take Jamari away from me" Beyoncé said getting up following you.

" that's my kid and I think it's best that way so when I do start talking to someone he won't get confused" You said stopping at the front door.

" Y/N I've been in his life since day one! I'm his mommy and you're trying to get rid of me because I don't want a baby with you!?"

" I gotta go to work" you said leaving out the house.

" can I at least see him one last time?" She asked.

" he's at your mother house" You said before getting in your car leaving.

Beyoncé went back in the house grabbing her keys and before she got in her car heading to her mom house. As she drove over there she couldn't stop the tears from falling. Jamari was one of the best things that ever happened to Her, and You was snatching him out of her life. Beyoncé cleaned her face up before she got out the car.

"Mommy!" Jamari shouted when he seen Bey come through the door.

"Hey baby boy" She said smiling at him.

" you came to get me already? It's not even 6 yet" he said.

" come here mommy want to talk to you about something" Beyoncé said pulling him over to the couch.

"Oh you're here early" Tina said.

" I'll talk to you later mama" Beyoncé said.

Tina shook her head ok but still stood there as Bey talked to Jamari.

" ok bud..... umm mommy is going away for awhile an-"

"Ouu! Can I come!" Jamari asked cutting her off.

" I'm sorry baby but you can't come" She said wiping her tears.

" I want you to be a good boy for daddy, listen to what he say"

" why you crying mommy?" Mari asked.

" I'm just going to miss you so much bud" Bey said kissing his head.

Jamari hugged Beyoncé not letting go, he just stayed in her arms.

" I love you so much Mari. I remember when I first saw you, you were so little with big pretty eyes. You just captured my heart" Bey smiled remembering the day she watched Jamari for the first time.

" I don't want you to go then " Mari said.

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