Like Me

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"Baby where you going?" Beyoncé asked sitting up in the bed.

" gotta go handle some business" you said pecking her lips.

"Be carful Y/N" Beyoncé said.

You walked out your room walking pass your son room seeing his light on.

"Why you still up man?" You asked walking in.

"I couldn't sleep" he lied.

"Can I come with you?" Kai asked.

"No. Turn the light off and go to sleep" you said before walking out.

Kai watched out the window as you got into a black truck. He went back to doing what he been doing, opening his laptop he continued his search on you. Kai wanted to be just like you. He wasn't dumb he knew you were a gang leader. He figured it out when he seen all the drugs in your office. Kai wanted to know more about your back ground since you never talked about it.


"Did the guns come in already?" You asked.

"Sure did, and the black talon bullets came as well" Rickey said.

"Good, good. Money finna start pouring in" you said picking up one of the bullets.

"Y/N, Carlos is here to buy some of them bullets off you" Jody said peaking his head in the door.

" tell that nigga if he ain't got my 2 million he can turn the fuck back around" you said.

"His boys carrying bags" he said.

"I'll be out there" you said.


Walking through the door you put your keys in the bowl. Hearing some music coming from the kitchen you walked in seeing bey dancing as she cleaned. You watched your wife dance, smiling at how cute she was. But you decided to scare her like you always did. You slowly walked up behind her wrapping one arm around her waist and your other hand going over her mouth. When Beyoncé felt the hand over her mouth her heart sped up. Beyoncé swung her elbow back hitting you in the stomach.

"Damn Bey" you said putting her down.

" you almost made me throw up" you said chuckling before sitting at the kitchen table.

"Don't do that!" Beyoncé said hitting you before pausing the music.

You just laughed at your wife with your hand still on your stomach.

" it's not funny Y/M/N, with you doing the shit you do I really thought somebody was trying to take me" Beyoncé said.

" come on bae you know they won't even have you for 3 mins"

"They'll be bring yo ass right back how much you run yo damn mouth" you laughed.

"Fuck you nigga" Bey said rolling her eyes.

Pushing yo luck with your wife.

"Shut up and make me some food girl" you said joking around to get a reaction.

Beyoncé grabbed on the the kitchen knifes before she had it pointing at you. Taken off guard you felled out the chair, Beyoncé hovered over you before she had the knife pressed to yo stomach.

"Who the fuck you talking to Y/N!?"

"Bae chill" you laughed.

"Oh it's funny huh?"

Beyoncé moved the knife down to you dick and that smile was instantly gone off yo face.

"Alright, alright. Stop playin na" you said grabbing Beyoncé's wrist.

"No you stop playing before I have yo bald headed ass mama viewing yo body" she said moving from over you.

" that why yo mama look like a can of kidney beans" you said getting off the ground.

" shut up"


"You sure you wanna do this man?" Nathan said to Kai.

"Yeah nigga, I'm down" Kai said taking the gun from the boy.

Kai pulled his hoodie on before him and two of his friends walked in the store. The store clerk already looking at them when they came inside the store looking suspicious. Not wasting time Kai pulled the gun out pointing it at the man.


"PUT IT IN!" Kai said throwing his bag at the guy.

"Ok ok"

The two boys that was with Kai only filled they bags up with liquor and snacks before they ran out the store leaving Kai. Kai looked bak seeing they left him. He grabbed the bag from the man before he tried to run out but it was too late, the man locked the door before calling the police.

" you going to jail today little bastard"

"FUCK!!" Kai yelled.

He tried to kick the door in but it wasn't working. Pointing the gun at the door to try and shoot it open he then realize it wasn't no fucking bullets. Kai ran towards the back trying to find a way but that was locked too.

"Shit, shit, shit"

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now