Good Toxic

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"Bey dont fuckin play with me I'll go in yo shit" you said to your girlfriend who was getting ready to go out.

"Y/N we both know all you talk is bullshit" Beyoncé said putting her earrings in.

"Alright, try me" you said walking out the room.

Beyoncé finished getting ready before she left out the house walking right pass you.

"Be in this house before 2" you yelled out.


You couldn't go to sleep knowing your girlfriend was still out in the streets. Looking at the time you seen that it was almost two. You called Beyoncé's phone but she didn't pick up. You sent a bunch on text messages out but never got a response. You put on your shoes grabbing your keys, walking out the house. as soon as you got downstairs you seen Beyoncé sitting in front of the apartment building eating.

"So you don't see me calling yo fucking phone? You asked.

"I'm busy" bey said as she continued to eat her food.

"Bro you be wanting me to get on yo ass" you said staring at your girlfriend.

" I be wanting you to leave me the hell alone and I'm not your bro" bey said.

" shut up and let's go" you said.

" Y/N you wanna be my daddy so bad" Bey chuckled getting up off the bench.

" I'm not your daddy I'm your zaddy" you said.

"Yeah whatever" Beyoncé said walking pass you in the building.


"Y/N I'm not playing with you. You throw my phone Imma beat yo ass" Beyoncé said.

" then unlock your phone, you don't want me seeing who the fuck you been texting. But let me tell you something Beyoncé, I'll put you and whoever you textin in a grave together" you said.

" the shit I'm hearing coming out your mouth" Bey said rolling her eyes.

You looked at bey before you threw her phone over the balcony. Beyoncé looked at you in shock before she went in y'all room snatching your game out the tv and wall. Seeing her with your game you tried to grab it but she tossed it before you could even stop her.

"Crazy ass bitch" you said.

Beyoncé ran over to you before she started hitting you.

"Fuck nigga watch yo fuckin mouth" Bey said as she beat you in yo back.

" get cho crazy ass off me" you said running away from her.

" come back here Y/M/N!" Bey shouted as she followed you.

You walked out the house going downstairs with Beyoncé behind you. The two of y'all arguing the whole way down, people looking at y'all. Walking outside there was people looking up trying to see where the stuff was coming from.

" awe damn, my gameeeee" you said.

You didn't even know why you was expecting it to be ok.

" that's what you get" Beyoncé said picking up her broken phone.

" people could've got hurt!" Some guy said.

" but did you?" Bey asked.

"No bu-"

"Ok then leave me the hell alone" bey said trying to turn her game on.

" leave you alone!? I could call the cops on you crazy bitches" the guy said.

" woah! Hold up na! Watch yo fuckin mouth before you be eating these broken up pieces. You got the wrong dames" you said looking at the guys.

" you bout to get fucked up tryna play good samaritan" Beyoncé said.

The guy was still there trying to argue with you and bey.

"Sir do it look like I'm scared to go to jail??" You said.

After you said that the guy waved y'all off and left.

" let's go baby" you said wrapping your arm around bey as y'all walked back in the apartment building.

"Nobody call my baby crazy but me" you said kissing her head.

"That was kinda sexy....... I think I want sex" Bey said looking at you.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now