Girlfriend? Part 3

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"Another trip with these fuckers" Zaria said as she got on the jet with her girlfriend behind her.

"I said I wasn't going to go but my mama wanted us there" You said.

"If that girl start with me I'm not holding back" Beyoncé said as she sat next to You.

"Well damn do I have to worry about them?" Megan asked.

" not at all, they not gone be talking reckless to my girl" Zaria said.

Beyoncé looked over and seen You already staring at her.

" what?" Bey smiled.

"I'm just thinking about how last year was just a job for you but now it's actually for real" You chuckled.

Beyoncé leaned in kissing Your lips. After the trip to bora bora You and Beyoncé kept in contact, traveling to see each other when y'all had free time. And when You asked her to be your girlfriend she couldn't say no, you was just so perfect to her.

"So y'all don't see us sitting here" Zaria said.

"Oh don't start Zaria because we didn't say anything when you was sucking Megan soul out from her mouth on the way here" Beyoncé laughed.

"Y'all two so cute" Megan said.

"It's because of her" You said pointing at Bey.


"I'm cold and tired" Beyoncé whined as they got out the car.

"Y'all can go In the inside, Me and Zaria got the bags" You said pulling your best friend by her jacket when she was finna walk away.

"Nigga my fingers to stiff to bend" she said.

"Shut up and get these bags"

Your dad opened the door and just walked away not even saying hello. You shook your head as you put the bags down by the door.

" oh there go my favorite sister in law" James said walking over to Bey to hug her.

"Uhn Uhn boy" Beyoncé said putting her hands up in front of her to stop him.

"James leave that girl alone" joy said coming around the corner.

"It's good to see you again Beyoncé " joy said hugging her.

"You too Mrs. Y/L/N"

James walked over to you while joy talked with the girls.

"When you gone put a baby in Beyoncé fine ass" James asked.

"Don't start with yo shit" You said.

"I ain't doing nothing" James said holding his hands up.

You eyed your brother before you went to hug your mama.

"You getting all big" joy said squeezing Your arms.

"Gotta stay fit mama" you chuckled.

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