Like Me part 3

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"I want every electronic in your room, bring it to me now" you said to your son as soon as y'all got in the house.

"Why?" Kai asked.

"Because you stupid as fuck! Protecting some ducks that flaked on you" you said raising your voice a bit.

"They my friends and plus they was scared" Kai said.

"Heyyyyy" Bey said getting y'all attention.

"The two of you did enough fussing at the police station and in the car and that's where it's ending" Beyoncé said in a strict tone.

"I just don't understand the big deal" he said.

You rolled your eyes before walking away before you bust your son across the head.

"Listen baby.... you can't be like your mama, you need to live your own life. I don't want to visit you in jail or even worst, the grave" she said.

"I thought you said we have immunity"

"That was a lie, just to get that lady off your back" Beyoncé said.

Kai just sucked his teeth before flopping down on the couch.

"Make sure you do as told and put those electronics in the office" Bey said before heading upstairs.

" how long will this go on?" Kai asked.

" your mama the one that gave you the punishment, she sets the rules"


"Where you going looking all sexy?" you asked walking in the room.

"Out with my sister and friends" Beyoncé said as she stood in the mirror putting on her jewelry.

You walked up behind Beyoncé grabbing her ass with one hand.

"You looking too thick in this dress baby. I don't know if I want you to go" you said sitting down on the bed.

"I'm going either way" Beyoncé said grabbing her purse.

"Don't make me come clear it out" you said getting up to walk her outside.

"Where you going?" Kai asked Beyoncé.

"Out with friends, and please don't leave the living room messy" Beyoncé said before walking out the door towards the SUV that was waiting on her.

"Call me if you need anything" you said holding the door open for Bey.

"I will baby" she said before pecking your lips.

You closed her door before going back in the house.

"You doing business today?" Kai asked.

"No kai" you signed.

Your son still wasn't getting it.

"Why you wanna be like me?" You asked sitting down next to him.

"You at all this, people respect you, you got money, cars, girls, and the house" he said.

"First of all it ain't no girls, it's just your mom and secondly you're only what 12? You shouldn't be thinking about this shit. Kai you act like I don't give you money and buy you shit. I do this so that my family is straight, think about school" you said.

"I'm 13 mama and school is boring" he said.

"I don't care, yo ass finishing school" you said pointing your finger at him.

"When can I get my stuff back?" Kai asked.

"Next month you said getting up going in the kitchen to get a snack.

"Next month! Watch when ma get back" Kai mumbled.

You walked inside the pantry to see what you wanted to eat.


The next morning you went to roll on your back but Bey was so close behind you that you couldn't.

"All that damn space over there" you mumbled.

"Bae" you said nudging her leg.

"Hmm" she answered back.

"Go over" you said.

Beyoncé moved over before she sat up. She rubbed hers before looking at you.

"Why you woke me up" she said.

"I didn't have no room babe, you had me at the edge" you said.

"What time did you get back home?" You asked.

" mmm, like 3 I think" she said grabbing your hand.

" why you ain't never teach me how to shoot a gun?" Kai said busting in the room.

"Bey get this boy away from me" you said putting the pillow over your head.

"I'm for real " he said.

" Kai this is my last and final time telling you this. You will not be like your mama, what she does doesn't have nothing to do with you and it never will. I promise you I will send your ass off to boarding school if you keep going on with this" Bey said to her son.

" boarding school for real?" Kai asked.

" I'm so serious right now" she said.

"That's it? Naw snap on him how you be snapping on me" you said sitting up.

"Y/N shut up" Beyoncé said putting her hand over your mouth.

"You can go now" Bey said to Kai.

Beyoncé looked over at you when kai walked out.

"I think you need something to do because you been real talkative this morning" Bey said laying on her back, lifting her waist to take her shorts off.

"Aye don't be talking to me like I'm yo bitch" you said.

"You is nigga"

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