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"Ava come on" Beyoncé said calling for her daughter.

" I can't find my shoes" the 5 year old said.

"Which pair princess?" She asked.

"My light up frozen shoes"

"Oh I put them outside to dry" Bey said going outside to get the shoes.

Walking outside to get her daughter's shoes she cussed herself when she didn't see them.

"Did you find them mommy?" Ava asked coming to the door.

"No..... someone took them baby girl. But please don't be upset..... I'll get you more, I promise" Beyoncé said.

Beyoncé heart broke seeing her daughter's face. She walked over to her picking her up, going back in the house Beyoncé  went to find her another pair of shoes. Giving her some old boots, she put them on. Once she was ready Beyoncé grabbed her car keys and headed out the door.

"Seat belt" Bey said looking at Ava through the rear view mirror.

"Can I get the blanket mommy? Ava asked.

Beyoncé car had no A/C and it was freezing so she kept a blanket in the car. Passing the blanket to her shepulled out driving her to school.

Things wasn't always like this. Beyoncé was married and was able to afford things for her daughter. But that changed when she got into a car accident leaving her paralyzed from the waist down for a year. She and everyone else thought it was permanent. Her wife at the time was fed up, saying she couldn't take care of her and a toddler. One morning she woke up in bed with Ava on the side of her. Calling for her wife but she never got an answer, she left demi and Ava with nothing. Getting to Ava's school she helped her out the car and watched her walk inside the building.


You was sitting outside grading papers while your students was playing. You frowned when you seen Ava sitting down over by the tree. The little girl usually be running around with her friends. You got up walking towards her, when she got closer she heard Ava's crying.

" Ava what's wrong sweetie?" You asked.

" my foot. I-I felled from the monkey bars" Ava cried.

"Ok sweetie let's get you to the nurse" you said helping Ava up.

Ava let out a loud cry when she walked on her foot the pain forcing her to sit back down.

" it hurtssss" Ava cried.

"Ok. Can I pull your shoe off to take a better look?" You asked.

Ava nodded her head before letting you take her shoe off. You gasped when you seen Ava's feet, her big toe was purple looking so you knew that was definitely broken and she had blisters. Pulling off her other shoe, she had blisters on that feet as well. You stood up before picking the little girl up in her arms.

"Lizzie I'm taking her to the nurse make sure you bring them in at 12:40" you Said to your class assistant.

You took Ava to the nurse sitting her down on the table before getting the nurse attention.

"Her toe is broke and she has blisters" you Said.

"I... ms. Y/L/N I can't fix that. The hospital is gonna have to correct her toe" the nurse said.

"Um ok. I'll have to call her mother" you said.

You walked out the nurse room before going to the lady at the front desk asking for Ava's contact information. Once she found a number she called.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now