Next level

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You and Beyoncé been dating for 9 months now and you were ready to take things to the next level but you just wasn't sure if Bey was since you've never met her kids or parents. She already met your dad and step mom, she even went with you to visit your mother's grave. You brought up meeting her family once but she played as if she didn't hear you so you left it alone.

You got out of bed going to the living, you turned on your game. You had too much on your mind to sleep, halfway into your match Beyoncé came out the room.

"Come back to bed please" she mumbled with her raspy voice.

"I'm not sleepy" you said not taking your eyes off the game.

"Baby it's like 4 in the morning and you have work at 8" She said.

"when I die"

As soon as you said that you were killed.

"Fuck" you said.

"Now come on" Beyoncé said before she walked back in the room.

Turning your game back off you followed bey back in the room. Getting in bed she curled up right into you trying to get comfortable.

"When can I meet your family?" You asked out of nowhere.

Sitting in silence as you waited for Beyoncé's answer.

"Soon" she mumbled rolling over to the other side.


It's been two days since you spoke or seen your girlfriend. You knew she was avoiding you since the question you asked. Sitting in your office you picked up your phone deciding to send her a text.

You: Hey. How you been?

Beyoncé: wassup


You:coming over tonight? I get off at 6. I could stop by your favorite and pick up food.

Beyoncé: I can't. The twins both have the flu.

Beyoncé: maybe another time

You: oh I'm sorry to hear that.

You: what about Aiden? Is he sick too? Maybe I can bring some soup for them

Beyoncé: he's fine and no that's ok but thank you.

You threw your phone done, rolling your eyes at how your own girlfriend just shot you down like that. But you knew you. You were still going to bring the twins soup anyways.


Beyoncé kids were perfectly healthy. She just didn't want you running into her family while they were at her house. It was her dad's birthday and her mom suggested they have a little get together at her house since it had more space.

"Mommy when can we open the presents?" Adriana asked Beyoncé.

"Baby you can't open them. Those are grandpa presents" Bey chuckled leaning down pressing a kiss on her daughter's head.

" grandpa!" Adriana shouted going to find her grandpa.

Beyoncé walked in the kitchen to check on the food seeing her oldest son looking in her pots. She smacked him in the back of his head.

"Ouch" Aiden said rubbing his head.

"Don't play with me" Beyoncé Said.

"I was just looking" the 13 year old said.

"You know better not to go in my pots while I'm cooking Aiden. If you're hungry eat some of that fingers food on the table" she said.

"And where is your brother?"

"I don't know Aiden said in a sassy tone, turning to leave out the kitchen.

"hey! Lose the attitude" Bey said in a stern voice.

"Sure you don't need help in here?" Beyoncé's mom said coming in the kitchen with Anthony right on her tail.

"Mommy, Mommy" Anthony called out when he finally found his mother.

"I'm fine mama" Bey said rubbing Anthony's back as he hugged her legs.

"This one been looking all over for you. Guess he got tired of your aunties"Beyoncé's mom chuckled.

"Gonna sit in here with me Tony?" Bey asked as she moved her son back so she could open the stove.

Anthony nodded his head before he moved to sit at the table with his finger in his mouth.

"Take your finger out your mouth" Beyoncé said to her son for the 100th time.

"Beyoncé someone is here for you!" Bey's cousin called out.

"Watch the stove for me mama" Beyoncé said.

Walking out the kitchen pass everyone in the dining room Beyoncé walked towards the living room. Her heart dropped seeing you standing there with food in your hands. Without hesitation she opened the door pulling you outside on the porch.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" She asked.

"Well I can to bring Adriana and Anthony soup since they were SICK but Adriana looks totally fine to me" you said putting more emphasis on the word sick.

" I told you they were fine. I didn't need you coming over here to bring them soup" Beyoncé said.

"So you're not gonna admit the fact that you lied to me? Because I know damn fucking well those kids aren't sick. Seems like you're having a party and that's why you didn't want me coming over here" you said with a chuckle.

"why are you  hiding me!? What the fuck is going on!?" You said raising your voice.

"Can you not be so damn loud" Beyoncé said looking through the window to see if someone was coming.

"No! I won't! Fuck that" you said getting angry.

Beyoncé sighed out loud, running her hand through her hair.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you where I stay" she mumbled.

You couldn't believe what you just heard.

"You know what Beyoncé if you want to hide me that's fine. I'm gonna make it easier for you.... you don't have to bring me up at all because I'm done here, I'm not gonna be your fucking secret" you said turning around walking to your car.

Passing by the trash can you threw both soups away before getting inside your car. And the bad thing about it all is that she didn't even come after you.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now