You saved me part 2

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you laid in the hospital bed with Beyoncé as she slept, you had your good arm wrapped around her. You haven't left her side yet since every time a guy came around she'll freak out. You lifted your head when a nurse walked in.

"Ms. Y/L/N we have Beyoncé's father outside in the lobby waiting to come in" she said.

"Alright, thank you" You said slowly slipping from out the bed.

You left the room so the father could have time with his daughter. Going outside you took the time to call and check up on your daughter.

"Hey Mama how is she?" You asked.

"She's fine, just taking a nap. When will you be back? Did you find the girl?" She asked.

" tonight and yes I found her. I would've been back yesterday but she wouldn't let me go, she doesn't trust any guys so I stayed" You explained.

"Alright baby, I'll see you when you get here"


Beyoncé went to cuddle more into You but you wasn't there. Her eyes flew open, sitting up in the bed she went to panicking.

" Y/N!!!" Beyoncé yelled as she felt tears forming in her eyes.

" hey, hey princess. Calm down, I'm here" her dad said coming out the bathroom.


Bey got out the bed running over to her dad, she hugged him not letting go.

" oh I missed you so much, I thought I'll never see you again" Eddie cried.

" I missed you too" Bey sobbed.

" how did you get free baby girl" He asked moving bey back over to her bed.

" the cop.... she saved me. I don't know where she is now"

You came in right on time. Rushing in the room when one of the nurses said Beyoncé was yelling for you.

"You ok?" You asked Beyoncé.

" yeah, this is my dad" Beyoncé said.

Eddie walked over to You giving you a big hug but not to hard to hurt you arm.

"Thank you so much for bringing my daughter back. I'll forever be grateful for you ma'am" Eddie said.

" it's my job mr.Knowles" You said looking over at bey.

" hey, I have to go but I'll see you later ok?" You said.


~1 month later~

You pushed your 6 month old daughter in her stroller as you walked around the park. You moved to the bench,sitting in the shade when you heard your daughter cries. You grabbed her baby bag from the bottom.

" Alright, alright princess. Mama's going to pick you up right now" you said grabbing her out the seat.

"You like making everything hard for mama huh?" You said as you tried to fix the baby bottle and hold her at the same time.

" you need some help?" Beyoncé asked smirking at you.

You looked up seeing Bey, she looked really different but you still remembered those eyes and that smile.

" oh hey! Yeah, sure if you don't mind can you just grab her" you asked.

Bey took the baby from your arms before she moved to sit down next to you.

"You're so adorable!" Beyoncé said smiling at the little girl In her arms.

" thanks"You said as you fixed her bottle.

" so how you been?" You asked.

" I've been good, I'm taking online classes. I'm sleeping better now" Beyoncé said grabbing the bottle from You wanting to feed the baby.

"What about you around guys?" You asked.

" I can't, I don't feel comfortable around them" Beyoncé said feeding the little girl.

" but you're around your dad"

" that's different Y/N..... he's my father I know he won't do anything to me" she said.

" And how do you know I won't hurt you?" You asked.

Beyoncé looked over at You, staring at you, taking in all your features. Beyoncé had to admit that you was a very attractive woman.

" because you promised that day and plus you have a little girl yourself so I know you wouldn't" she said.

Beyoncé gave the bottle back to You as she burped the baby.

" now I hope she goes to sleep" You chuckled.

" how old are you?" Beyoncé asked.

" I'm 25"

Beyoncé gave the little girl back to You when she seen her dad pull up at the park.

" um I have to go, my dad just pulled up" bey said.

"Oh alright it was nice seeing you Beyoncé" You said strapping your daughter in her stroller.

"C-could I have your number?" Bey asked shyly.

"Yeah of course"

You gave your number to Beyoncé before y'all went opposite ways. Beyoncé heart was fluttering, she couldn't believe she had got your number.

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