The Three Devils

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" alright Larry wrap it up, I gotta close up and get home" you said.

"Yeah I wish I had a reason like that to rush home" Larry said smirking at you.

you laughed at him before walking to your office. You owned multiple businesses, you're one of the 10 richest people in the world. You had the best life and couldn't ask for more. Once you got your stuff together you met Larry Downstairs.

"Alright bro be safe" you said locking up before walking to your car.

Getting in you threw your bag in the passenger seat before pulling off. Your stomach started to growl, hoping you had food at the house. Pulling up to your gate you punched the code in before speeding up your driveway. You grabbed your bag before getting out, going in your mansion you wasn't greeted at the door as usual. Seeing the light on in the kitchen you walked in seeing all three of your girlfriends sitting there.

" ya late nigga" Rihanna said.

"You said 7:30 and it's 8:15" Beyoncé said frowning her face at you.

" what are y'all talking about? You asked confused.

"You was suppose to take us to the movies Y/N! Damn we not that important no more?" Nicki asked.

"Ohhh shit. Ok I apologize, I totally forgot and I'm tired as hell. Can we just make some snacks and go watch movies in the movie room" you asked.

"I call lap bitches" Rihanna said running over you to give you a kiss.

" you the only one that care for that shit RiRi" Nicki said walking over to you to do the same.

Beyoncé was the last one, giving you a even longer kiss. You wrapped your arms around her squeezing her ass.

"How was work baby? She asked.

" it was fine, just was signing paperwork all day"

Beyoncé was your first girlfriend so it was definitely different from the other two. You met Bey at a business meeting a year ago and you just had to have her, you broke your neck just to talk to her. But when you started talking to she was already dating Nicki so you basically was a side bitch without even knowing until she brought Nicki with her to your house for some "fun" the then came Rihanna, she made you break yo pockets for her. She gave you attitude and you liked that. You didn't like when they gang up on you which they did a bunch of times.


You made some homemade nachos, some popcorn, vanilla shakes along with some chips and candy. And the girls rolled some fat joints. You walked in the movie room seeing them in nothing but panties and bras.

"Damn, i don't know if we watching movies tonight..... might be makin one" you said.


" I'm in the mood to make Y/N mad, y'all down? Nicki asked.

" Ouu, hell yeah" Rihanna said.

" she might send us shopping so yeah" Beyoncé said following them.

You sat in your home office looking at a few stuff online. You looked up when you seen your three babies walk in.

"We going out" Nicki said.

"Not dressed like that the fuck" you said.

"Ain't nothing wrong with what we got on" Beyoncé said.

"Y'all better stop playing with me, that shit showing too much and it's see through. Byeee, go change" you said to them.

"Yeah Ight" Rihanna said smirking at she walked out your office.

You shot up out your chair when you heard the front door. You jumped down a few stairs trying to get to them. Almost snatching the whole door off as you went outside.


"What the fuck I said, leave the slut outfits for the inside" you said.

"The fuck you just said?" Rihanna asked raising an eyebrow.

"I know you ain't call us no sluts" Nicki said.

"Naw, not like that" you said.

" you said what you said! Don't tuck yo dick now" Beyoncé said.

Rihanna took one of her shoes off throwing it at you. She was always the violent one. You caught her shoe before you hid behind your truck.

"We'll fuck this truck up and you know it Y/N" Nicki said.

"Alright, Alright. I'm sorry" you said.

Pulling out your wallet you pulled out your black card.

"Let's just get this ever happen, y'all go in the house and put the rest of y'all clothes on and go shopping" you suggested.

"Beyoncé took the black card before putting it in her purse.

"And take us out to dinner" Beyoncé threw in.

"Ok, that's fine" you said.

"Damn that was too fuckin easy" Rihanna said when you walked away.

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