Maid part 3

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~9 months later~

"Yes baby I know" Beyoncé cooed as she rubbed on her daughter's gums.

She was teething and Bey didn't have any baby Orajely so she was rubbing her gums with her finger while her teething ring was in the freezer. 9 months ago Your dad offered Bey twenty thousand dollars to get an abortion and to never talk to you again. And she was 4 months at the time, Frank told her it'll be for the best. He told her you needed to focus on your career and her and the baby would be a big distraction for you and Bey didn't want that for you, you had  coaches from big teams looking at you and a baby is a big responsibility. So she took the money and left but she didn't get the abortion, she wanted to keep her baby as she had grew to love it. She brought a small apartment and a car so she could get around with and other things her and Gabriella needed.

Gabriella soon cried herself to sleep in Beyoncé's arms. Bey slowly got up before putting her shoes on and grabbing her purse and keys. Walked downstairs to her car putting gabby in her car seat.


" y'all niggas hurry up"you said as you pulled up in front of the store.

You sat in the car while your friends went to buy some liquor and other stuff for the party tonight. You sat with your head on the window listening to youngboy. You sat up straight when you seen a familiar face. You seen bey pushing a shopping cart with a baby carrier. Watching her walk in the store, you turned your car off before you got out following her inside.

"Yo man where you going?" Amari asked his best friend.

"Here, I'll meet y'all there" you said giving your best friend your car keys before you went to look for Bey.

Walking up and down each aisle trying to find Beyoncé. You finally spotted her on the baby aisle, you slowly walked over to her but stopped when you seen the sleeping baby in the car seat. You couldn't take your eyes off the little girl, you knew for a fact that she was your daughter. Beyoncé turned around to put the diapers in the buggy but gasped when she seen you standing there.

"This gabby?" You asked not taking your eyes off your daughter.

"Yeah" Bey said loud enough for you to hear.

"So you just up and leave with my baby leaving me fucking clueless" you said finally looking at Bey.

"It's not like that Y/N, I swear" Bey said stepping closer to you.

" it's definitely like that! You left and didn't even hit me up to tell me yay or nay" you said.

"Ok. We can talk about it, I just need to grab a few things for her" Beyoncé said.

Bey put the off brand diapers in the buggy. You looked at the diapers, never seeing them before.

"Why you got them? Them shits look like they don't hold shit" you said.

" it's what I can afford" she mumbled.

You picked up the diapers putting them back before you grabbed a big box of Huggies.

"What else she needs?" You asked.

" Y/N you do-"

"This my daughter, I'm not no stranger offering to help. I'm suppose to do this as her mother" you.

" I'm sorry, you're right"

Beyoncé was just so used to doing everything for her daughter on her own. You took over the shopping, picking up things you thought your daughter might need before you showed Bey to confirm. 


You carried the bags into Beyoncé's apartment while she carried Gabriella. The baby was still sleep and Bey was thankful for that, hoping she'll stay asleep for the night. She just needed to change her diaper before putting her in bed. You followed Bey towards the back.

" I play for the mystics now" You said making small talk.

"That's good, I'm proud of you" Bey smiled as she changed the baby.

" why did you leave?" You then asked.

Beyoncé snapped the three little buttons together between gabby's legs before she flipped her onto her stomach.

" your parents hate my guts and they treated me so bad when you wasn't around. One day your dad just walked up to me with a check. He told me I should take the money to get an abortion and leave you alone"

"And you just took the money and left, on some slimy shit" You said getting upset.


Beyoncé got off the bed, putting pillows around gabby before she pulled you out of the room with her.

"You're so good at basketball and you love it..... so when your dad told me about you getting signed and how me and gabby would be a distraction I knew immediately I didn't want that for you, so yeah I took the money and left" she explained.

"How the fuck y'all just gonna decide what's best for me!? That's my damn daughter, fuck basketball my baby come first before anything" You said wiping your eyes before the tears could actually drop.

"I'm sorry Y/N I really am, I thought it was for the best" Bey said.

"I need to be in her life, I can't miss nothing else and as for my parents don't worry about them. Gabby our responsibility not theirs.


You didn't go home that night, you stayed with Bey and your daughter. As soon as Gabriella woke up she was in Your arms, Bey even showed you how to change her. You fed her and now she was laying in your arms chewing on the teething necklace you brought last night.

"Mama love you so much baby" You mumbled as you kissed her head.

"Bro why do she smell so good" You asked sniffing her hair.

" that's just her natural smell" Beyoncé chuckled.

"Did you push or you had a C-section?"

"A C-section. I wouldn't go pass six centimeters" she said.

"Who was there with you?" You asked.

"Nobody, it was just me" she said drinking her coffee.

"Wish I would've been there"

You sat gabby up when she started pulling on your shirt to sit up. Beyoncé took the necklace from gabby as You stood her up in your lap. Gabby started bouncing her legs as she smiled at you.

"Hey princess" You smiled.

"Hey... um if you want, you can take to spend more time with her. But just don't leave her with your parents, I don't trust it" Bey said.

" I have my own place now but don't worry, she'll be with me the whole time" You said.

Beyoncé nodded her head before she got up to find something to do.

" love you so much" You said kissing your daughter for the hundredth time.

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