Handle it

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You and Beyoncé been married for 12 years having two boys together. But things recently got rough in y'all marriage which caused y'all live in separate houses now, y'all were legally still married just separated at the moment until y'all figure out what they wanted to do. But the both of you never once let it effect the kids.

"Yo Bey!" You shouted coming inside the house using your key.

"In the kitchen big mouth" she said.

"Wassup ma" You said coming in the kitchen sitting at the island.

" just making tea and you do know the kids isn't here. They're still in school" Bey said.

" I know but I wanted to come early so I can play with you"

" yo lil boyfriend next door tried talking to me" You said.

" oh God. Y/N that's not my boyfriend and you know that. And what did you say to him?" She asked.

" I gave that nigga a good ole fuck you and kept it moving" you said.

" you're so mean. He called me beautiful once and you hate the guy" Beyoncé chuckled.

" I don't need no guy telling my wife she's beautiful" You said.

Beyoncé remember when You found out about Nick calling her beautiful. Y'all were in an argument and it just slipped out of Beyoncé's mouth.

"Well you wasn't the one telling me" Bey mumbled.

" he still had no business talking to my woman and I don't regret breaking his jaw" You said.

" you're so jealous" Bey.

"Duhh, how can I not when you look like that. you get a nigga all excited" You said licking over your lips looking at Bey.

"Don't do that" Bey said throwing the dry towel at you.

"Do what?" You chuckled.

"You know exactly what you're doing" Bey said leaning on the counter.

Beyoncé smirked to herself, You always did this to her and she was going to get you back. Beyoncé turned back around towards the counter leaning over like she was doing something on her phone. You chuckled before you got up moving behind Bey, pressing yourself up against her.

"Let's go upstairs so I can give you some vitamin D" You said pulling at Beyoncé's pants.


" call me when you guys make it home" Bey said pecking Your lips.

" yeah I will" You said kissing her forehead before leaving the house to get your kids.

Going to pick up your oldest son first, you took the long way to the school so you wouldn't be waiting on your son. Pulling up at your son's school Jason spotted your car saying bye to his friends.

" wassup?" Jason said clappin you up.

"Wassup young blood, how was school?" You asked.

"Pretty good, I'm trying out for the basketball team. The coach saw me in lunch and asked me to try out" Jason said.

"He like yo height" You said.

" yeah I'm glad I don't have mama height" he laughed.

"Let hope Anthony don't take after her either" You said.

They talked as they drove to pick up Anthony. You liked the fact that you had a bond with both of your boys, they wasn't afraid to talk to you.

"Go in there and get yo brother" You said to Jason.


Beyoncé walked outside to the mailbox, still in her silk robe.

"Hey Bey" Nick waved.

" oh hey Nick" she said taking the mail out the mailbox.

Nick cross the yard meeting Bey on the porch.

" I see that Y/N was over here earlier" he said.

" yeah she was" Beyoncé said with a smile.

" I-I was wondering if you'll like to grab a few drinks sometimes" Nick asked.

" I don't drink and I'm still married Nick" Bey said before entering her house.

Beyoncé cleaned up around the house since she had nothing else to do. Going to Anthony room next she made his bed, picked up his toys and took his dirty clothes basket so she could wash them.

"Ridiculous" Beyoncé said when she walked in her oldest room.

His room was a mess. Empty water bottles on the floor, bowls and cups on his dresser with his clothes and shoes everywhere. Beyoncé took his dirty clothes first before taking it to the laundry room and loading the wash machine. Going back up to Jason's room Beyoncé started cleaning. She cussed herself when she tripped and felled. Looking at what she tripped over she pulled out a box that was painted black. Looking inside she found a lot of drugs and a lot of money.

" what the fuck" Bey mumbled.

Beyoncé took the box into her room grabbing her phone to FaceTime her wife.

" wassup baby" You answered.

" YOUR SON IS SELLING DRUGS!" Beyoncé yelled.

" wait what?" You asked sitting up in your bed.

" your son is selling drugs, open your ears" she snapped.

" aye calm all that down" You said.

" calm down!? Y/M/N HOW CAN I FUCKING CALM DOWN WHEN JASON IS SELLING DRUGS!!" Showing you the box.

" you need to handle that Y/M/N" Bey said.

" yeah I will as soon as he get back, he went to shoot hoops with some of the kids in the neighborhood.

" I swear when I see that boy I'm gonna put my foot so far up his ass!" Beyoncé said as she paced the room.

" I got chu baby, don't worry about ok. Sit yo fine ass down" You said.

" what if Anthony would've got to it? This is why I didn't want you to move so far away" Bey said.

" Because the houses are really big and nice over here. And whenever you're done playin game then you can come stay here" you said.

" we're not moving so stop asking" Bey said annoyed.

" oh you wanna stay next door to your boyfriend" You said.

" byeeee" Beyoncé said hanging up the phone.


"Yo come here, lemme talk to you" You said to your son.

" yeah?"

" you selling drugs boy?" You asked.

"Huh? N-No" He lied.

"Don't sit here in my face and lie to me Jason, yo mama showed me that box"

"It's not mines ma..... I was holding it for a friend of mines" he lied again.

"Jason you cant do that man,  make sure you give it back. Don't hold no other nigga shit because if you get caught yo ass going to jail" You said.

" ok mama" he said smiling as he walked away thinking you brought his lie.

You didn't believe your son at all, you wasn't buying none of that shit. But you definitely had a surprise for him.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now